Ghosts in the portals, or something else?

"Now go, before your Leader demands you be hung, drawn, quartered and all the rest." The man that had came so quickly to Kyxsha defense said. Before casually walking back to the lone log, I assume, to watch the rest of the sunset.

Kyxsha motioned for us to go, but I was caught up in watching the sunset. The warm waves of light were so refreshing and it felt so peaceful. My mind went blank and it felt like another memory was trying to play out, but before it could Kyxsha’s voice broke the silent daze I was in.

"Who is this?" I heard Kyxsha ask looking down at Aidex.

"I'm Aidex.." she said quietly not taking her eyes off the ground. I smiled at Aidex glade that everyone was so nice to her.

"Nice to meet you Aidex I’m..."

"Kyxsha, Master Raxi ordered us to find you."

"Master??? What don't I get called Master?" Kyxsha asked the girl jokingly.

"No... I mean... it's just..." Kyxsha patted the little girl on the head gently, turning around I laughed quietly making a portal.

"Good cause that's how I like it." Kyxsha and Xemmsur walked forward followed by Aidex, as we all stepped threw the opened porthole.

"So Nyx does this mean a search party has gone out for Ximh too?"

“Well… not really. Triskix said that we did have to go find him, we know were his already.” I said as we walked threw the dark abyss between portals. Aidex came up beside me smiling back at Kyxsha and Xemmsur.

“I think I remember Tris saying something about that he was betrothed and is to be wed back at his home.” Xemmsur stated. It was a first to me as well I was so caught up in trying to help Aidex I didn’t catch it all.

“I guess being a god; it is very common to be betrothed.” I commented out loud.

When out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw a guy with spiky brown hair. My first thought was Sora, but the person was too tall. Waving it off for now I looked back to Xemmsur and Kyxsha about to ask them if they saw something, when I noticed that Xemmsur was a ways back with a stone like Kyxsha.

“What… what’s wrong with Kyxsha, Nyx?” a worried Aidex asked, pulling on the medieval clothing that I still, along with the others, had on.


Okay ur turn KS!!!!! XD

