
We made our way out of the portal and onto the castle grounds. Totally forgetting about the person in the portal, I tried talking to Kyxsha but it was like she was dead. No matter what Xemmsur and I tried, even Aidex tried helping us but it was no use.

"Welcome back," I heard Triskix say. Looking over to him I shook my head in disappointment, as Kyxsha made no sound and walked by.

"She's been like that for a while...." I answered Triskix's silent question. "Anything I say just ends up going from one ear and out the other, missing the center."

"So she did come back. That leaves Ximh and Rexikat still in question. Now then let's get inside," Triskix stated walking away holding Anamx's hand.

It made me smile how Anamx had become more relaxed with the guys. Triskix's brisk walk made the child walk twice as fast then he normally had to, and watching the seen made it hard to hold back laughing openly.

I heard a small chuckle come out of Xemmsur looking over at her and seeing her laughing, made it even more difficult to hold it in. I saw Aidex look up at us confused on what is so funny. Looking down at her I shook my head and followed Triskix when he motioned for us.

Once we entered the central tower I felt something grab on to my pant leg, looking down I saw a scared Aidex. Putting my hand on her shoulder for comfort, I smiled reassuringly to her. Then in a haze of black the leader appeared, Aidex stood up a little straighter but I could tell that she was still afraid.

"Now then," the Leader started. "Kyxsha...."

"I have returned to say that I am no traitor. I will now be in my room if I an needed," Kyxsha said with a face that held no emotion.

"You are no traitor then," the Leader said calmly. "Good. For you would be dead if you were. Now then as for Rexikat and Ximh. I sense that Ximh is coming back soon on his own."

I started putting the pieces together on the way back to the castle. Up until now I was not positive of what I thought, but at the mention of Ximh's return and Kyxsha quick reply to a statement, not a question. I had my answer. That there was something between them, but how far does it go I wonder?

The leader glared out at her and I could feel his power spike, as if it had a mind of its own and wished to lash out to make us submit. Quickly I retorted trying to direct his attention to me.

"She's just tired and...."

"She'll probably be fine," Xemmsur finished making the leader look a both of us.

"I hope she will be," Aidex said in a small voice next to me.

"What? fine then let her go..." the Leader answered.

Kxysha made a portal and left, probably to her room. Triskix slightly turned to look over at us I smiled but then in a black wavy cloud the leader seemed to disintegrate into the air around us.

A cold chill ran across my body and I willed myself not to shiver, but I felt goosebumps appear. Aidex squeaked and went farther behind me, going closer to Anamx who ducked back a little behind Triskix. Xemmsur stepped closer and Lexian's eyes where scanning the area in case of a attack.

I was waiting for some kind of attack, after everything that happened before I was sure that he was going to do something. All I knew was that I wouldn't leave Triskix alone. Triskix is stronger then me, I know that, but I wouldn't let him get hurt because 'I' talked back. I would send Aidex and Anamx with Xemmsur if anything happens to get them out of here, but I wouldn't leave a friend behind.

"Triskix," I asked him in a whisper unsure if the leader was leaving or planning a attack. "What is going on?"

In a castle dark or a fortress strong
With chains upon my feet
You know that ghost is me
And I will never be set free
As long as Im a ghost that you cant see

