Decision--to Fight

It all seemed so blasé and pleasant...yet I couldn't help but to feel slightly on edge. I was easily angered at the thought of someone being held against their will...yet, I was willing to hear their explanation of events. Rexikat began at their very MEETING. And when she spoke on how she'd planned SECRET meetings with Pashnirix...I felt my anger hit a high. To conspire with the enemy in such a way...all I could see were visions of he'd made Marluxia TRUST he'd convinced Repliku to KILL Zexion through his Poisonous words...and at the end of it all...Triskix. I could care less for Xraktos being betrayed...but to betray Triskix...that angered me to NO ENDS! I felt myself involuntarily rise in defiance. I rose my arm to point...and it was mistaken for an attack...I was just going to lecture her...yet chains slowly wrapped round my body.

My eyes slowly slid back as I felt the cold, familiar, biting grip of....chains...I felt the tingling engulf my skin and I resisted the convulsions that begged to enrapture my body. I barely heard Setxune and Xyta object to this as Rexikat came in closer to me.

"RaXi," She muttered, moving in closer. I glared at her enraged. Those brief seconds felt like an eternity to me as I struggled to keep my sanity. The need to KILL Rexikat resounding throughout my being. The need to KILL her for CHAINING ME..."You promised you would listen. In no way were either of us plotting against our respective organizations. We had an agreement. If I had gotten an order to kill him, I would have." She continued...yet her words meant nothing to me in this condition...

"And I the same," Pashnirix added, I could feel his watchful eye sensibly upon me. "We knew what we were doing, RaXi."

I felt myself snarling as I fought to keep control. I struggled in my restraints...trying to get stop myself from what I was about to do...the ground slowly freezing over...along with the moisture in the air. "I'm not letting you go until you calm down and listen, RaXi," Rexikat urged.

In a final bout of desperation, I looked to the ceiling. "Very well," I managed quietly. It was not directed at Rexikat...but I had almost given my own will. Luckily, the chains released me, and I regained my sense of self.

She continued her explanation of events. Taking it to when I was captured. She had recruited Pashnirix as a 'back-up' plan. Being treated as an item, as you can imagine, did NOT please me. At the time, I'm sure Rexikat didn't know...but Pashnirix, nor ANYONE would've been able to "seize" me. For it wouldn't have been Marlex to kill would've been me. The only things that had restrained me then, were those chains...chains that could seal even Gods....without them...I would not be such EASY prey...

The short version...Pashnirix expected compensation for his aid...which was subduing Marlex in the Corridors of Darkness, preventing him from going after Xemmsur and Nyx. His payment, Rexikat. Xemmsur had done the best of her abilities at the matter how sloppy it seemed. She didn't want to hurt Marlex...just like was the only plan of action she could take at the least...that is what I was assuming.

Yet there was nothing I could say to excuse I remained silent.

"So really, if you want to take me back, you'll have to go through him." Rexikat concluded.

"And I," Pashnirix began, "do not let go of my treasures so easily."

"And herein lies the dilemma," Rex muttered. "I can't leave--"

"But you're not a traitor," I cut in. "I understand now, I think."

After a pause, Xyta spoke up and asked, "So, what do we do?"

My face turned grim. By all next move was to duel the dragon...if he were holding her a captive, yet she remained loyal to the were as though she were a prisoner. Therefore, I would have to take her whatever means. Yet...why didn't I want to go through with that plan of action? Was it because, Rexikat had only done that for me? No...that was of HER own accord. I never ASKED her to help me...I never asked any of them. I was for the matter how rebellious I was at times...I would not cause trouble for Triskix...not until his bonds to that Man were severed. seemed battle WAS my next move.

"I understand you demand payment for services rendered, yet there is still a method you MUST follow. It would seem you are indeed young, or yet new to being in an Organization if you do not realize this." I conveyed. "One cannot simply TAKE another member from an enemy organization without that being viewed as a declaration of war...or at least...malicious intent. It doesn't matter how close you neutral the relationship is...on the outside, it is simply one member being taken by another forcibly." As I spoke these words I thought on Verex. We were the same. I longed to free him from that place...yet I couldn't simply do as Pashnirix had done. I couldn't steal him in the night and run off to the world of our were methods in all matters. Pashnirix would have to learn this...even if I had to teach him the hard way.

He smirked. "I it would appear you've made a decision. Very well, My Lady of Ice...I accept your challenge." He drew out his weapon.

Casting an apologetic glance at Rexikat, I brought forth my Great Sword, instantly the entire room's temperature dropped. "You are very perceptive Dragon...however...It would appear I cannot hold back against you. So you shall taste my strategies in all their fullness." I pointed my blade at him. "I hereby challenge you for possession of Rexikat...for she rightfully belongs to Oblivion...having stated that herself by refuting the title of Traitor. Know that you now face RaXi, the Frozen Duplicity of Oblivion. Pray that you live to take my measure."

He nearly laughed. "You are quite good with speeches I see. Very well then, Frozen Duplicity. You face before you, Pashnirix, the Dragon Duelist of Organization Zero. As for surviving, you should heed your own words."

I smiled. "I see, you are confident in your abilities...all the better to tear you down..."

"Stop this!" Rexikat started, suddenly she was silenced as I shut her inside a clear ice box.

"Silence Rexikat!" I bellowed glaring at her with my cold eyes. "You are the prize of this duel! The prize mustn't interfere!" She growled at me...I knew immediately how she must've hated being caged...payback for chaining me earlier. "Xyta, Setxune. You two will not interfere either. Should I fall, you are to take up my task, subdue him and reclaim Rexikat. Understood?!"

"RaXi...don't say that!" Xyta suddenly exclaimed.

"Xyta! Is that UNDERSTOOD?!"

"Yes...." She uttered.

"RaXi...don't do anything stupid..." Setxune muttered quietly backing away.

I stared Pashnirix down. He had calmly stood there...waiting for me to conclude my discussions....and now we were there the Strategist Staredown. I walked slowly to the right. He did the same. Yet, HE looked as though he were stalking prey...his beastly instincts beginning to take him over. And then...there seemed to be an opening, we both rushed would've been hard to follow from the sidelines. I missed...yet so did he. Managing to slice but a piece of our clothing...the finest of slashes. I felt myself slide a bit on the floor and was almost ready. We clashed a couple more was hard to get a cut on him...not as he had taken the form of a dragon...his scales were hard as armor. And yet, I had managed to dodge his attacks as well...for while most would mistaken my Great Sword for a slow my were as quick and deadly as a dagger.

I hadn't realized just HOW immensely I'd changed and grown in power from uniting with her. This battle...felt as but child's play...and I felt this urge...this need to fight get more PLEASURE out of it. I felt a strange smile forming on my came from the realization that my environment was ready. That, and the fact that I had a STRONG opponent to tear down...something I hadn't had the privilege of having for quite a long time.

"What are you smiling at Duplicity? You will never penetrate my armor." Pashnirix nearly laughed with arrogance.

"We shall see about that....when you face my Seeking SPIRES!" I called out. Spikes of ice shot out of the ground as if on command, aiming for each of his vital organs simultaneously.

Pashnirix's eyes widened and he spread large wings. As he did, a large gust of wind blew him high up, nearly to the ceiling. Yet the wind had made him avoid my spires just in time. A scowl forming on my face...I KNEW what had brought that eyes slowly turning to meet him as he made his entrance.

"Marlex..." I muttered. Xyta turned quickly and moved slightly closer to Setxune, who'd already drawn his duel-swords in preparation for this new foe.

"This traitor is MY business." Marlex stated walking up...he didn't even look at me. "I have a bit of my own vengeance to exact upon him...however, I heard from Serix a nasty little rumor. It would seem, you turned your blade on him Pashnirix! Do you understand the repercussions of your actions?!"

I moved towards my comrades defensively. It seemed like Marlex's business was with Pashnirix...and yet...I would rather be safe than sorry.

Pashnirix remained we all waited to see what would become of this new development.

Lol...I really threw in a monkey wrench this time! Marlex returns! He didn't DIE! lol. He's come to punish how will Pashnirix react?! Will his battle continue with RaXi...or has that all been CRASHED!!!! I leave it in your hands Rex!!! If ur stuck just PM me...sorry...I went with the flow...I actually didn't mean them to just happened! lol.

RaXi: DARNIT!!! I HAD HIM!!! >x< Curse you Marlex and your FOUL WINDS!
Kira: Relax...I didn't want you to kill Pashi anyway....his fanclub would hate you.
RaXi: >x<'
