Decided Bout

I smirked as Rexikat tried to claw out of my ice...she would never escape unless I wished her to. In fact, if I ever desired to draw out the death of an enemy, all I need do is box them up and leave them...they would die eventually. >:} My main focus now though, was the entrance of Marlex. He'd interfered on my duel...and had proceeded to intervene fully. The two clashing, yet not equally...Marlex's actions were far too usual with him. The dragon apologized, and I all but scoffed at him...that was until I felt a presence, and heard the arrival of a voice I wished hadn't come.

"Tanex..." I snarled. I closed my eyes...then reopened them...just WISHING he wasn't there...that it was all in my mind...and yet...there he was. I immediately started to rework everything...all my plans...EVERYTHING had changed.

He had come with new eliminate everyone. We all fell silent until Tanex drew his ring blade. "No objections? Well then I'll just..."

I prepared to speak, yet Marlex beat me. "W-wait....RaXi..."

“Marlex, I’ve already spoken to you about us. I can’t.” I stumbled...I couldn't leave Oblivion...not yet...not while Triskix was a slave to that man...


“RaXi,” Pashnirix suddenly spoke, breaking my thoughts on what actions I would take. He was watching Tanex intently. Smart Dragon, I thought. You KNOW he isn't like ANY of Zero...he WILL kill us all...without hesitation...Finally he spoke once more. “RaXi, please, consider my words. You must free Rex. It’s the only way we can fight these two off, as well as protect your charges.”

I looked back at Xyta and Setxune, “We can fight,” Setxune assured me.

“I don’t doubt you,” Pashnirix continued, “but these two are far beyond your capabilities. I have no misgivings with either of you, and by association…I feel compelled to make sure you are taken care of.”

"They outclass YOU maybe...but not I." I growled at his comment. He had no idea of my capabilities...all he wanted was for me to free Rexikat. With his smooth words he sought to accomplish this. "My history with them is vast...and we have fought on many occasions, yet...I will admit...I'd never had to protect so many in our previous confrontations. It's always easier...when fighting to protect only yourself."

Pashnirix smirked. "You think I have underestimated you...perhaps I have...but that hasn't changed our situation. You MUST free the Tigress...."

I snapped my fingers. The box shattered like a mirror. I grabbed Pashnirix by the collar and brought him close to me. "And now for MY PRICE." He didn't flinch, merely smirked at my ferocity. "You will protect that child with your LIFE." I threatened pointing at Xyta. "Tanex is MINE...and should I return to find something has happened to that child...I will SKIN YOU Dragon."

"Assigning me orders are you?" Pashnirix nearly laughed. He pulled my hand from his collar and fixed it. "Very well Duplicity, but the battle hasn't even do you know which opponent you shall take?"

"That's's already been decided. Isn't that right, Tanex?!" I spoke loudly, turning to meet his gaze at the end of my sentence. "Come now...I know you've been longing to do battle with me...haven't you? THAT'S why you came...not because Xerebus asked it of you...but for the added bonus of matching me again. Am I right?"

"Don't pick a fight with him RaXi...he's dangerous..." I heard Xyta mumble behind me.

Tanex smiled...that cold insidious grin only he possessed. "RaXi, what part of you can't accept that I would follow another's orders? I'm not like you...I..."

"No Tanex, you aren't like me. You're worse. Unlike me, you crave leadership. Desire it more than anything...and you aren't afraid to grasp it." I interrupted. "Tell me...HAVE you grasped it yet? Or are you just waiting for the right moment?"

Tanex fell completely silent. Marlex stared at me with his longing gaze. As though...he didn't have the words to express what sorrow he was feeling. Rexikat stood before me now, glaring at me with her feline eyes. She wanted to say something as well...yet kept it to herself...this wasn't the time.

I didn't dare take my gaze off Tanex too I spoke low. " must fight. Protect Xyta...and Xyta...stay close to the others..."

"Of course." Setxune accepted immediately...he knew all too well what his move was.

"RaXi...where're you..." Xyta began.

"I will do what must be done. Only I can do this...Tanex will not hesitate to kill ANY of you...but I...I can match him." I mumbled. I looked to Tanex with my defiant glare, and I felt the void coming. I gave Pashnirix a last Cross glare, as though warning him he'd better follow my demands...and then...I let myself be taken into the void Tanex had created. We exited into some random corridor of darkness, completely alone and prepared to do combat.

"You came willingly...that's quite unlike you..." Tanex grinned.

"I'm not afraid of you Tanex...haven't you learned that by now?" I groaned, holding my sword defensively. "Just what do you hope to accomplish? I KNOW you aren't one to follow orders...why did you REALLY join Zero?"

Tanex smiled. " know me too well now that you've regained your memories of me...I had really hoped you wouldn' least, not until I'd finished my preparations."

"Preparations? Tell me, TANEX....does this have something to do with what you told Nyx? The ultimatum you intend to hand us, the former apprentices?"

"That's right. I would tell you all about it, if I thought you would accept at this point in time...but I'm getting the distinct impression you won't. At least...not now. Why don't you tell ME now RaXi, just what is keeping you tied there? Hmmm? I KNOW it isn't all the FOND memories of that place..." Tanex purred menacingly.

I looked at him squarely. What was I supposed to say? For Triskix? Because if I left now he would forever be bound in a pact with that MAN...and in the end destroyed by it? NO...I couldn't reveal that. Not if there was a chance Tanex didn't know...

"It is..." Tanex laughed. "It's for Triskix!" My eyes widened a bit...but I desperately tried to convey no emotion. "Oh how you must loathe it RaXi! To watch someone bound before your very eyes...and be able to do NOTHING!"

I clenched my fists and felt myself clamping my teeth down hard.

"But then always HATED the thought of calling anyone 'friend' I'm sure that doesn't HELP your situation any....I almost pity you....almost." At the last word his voice changed...he was about to get serious. I was pissed and ready to hand him a humiliating defeat to add to his collection. "Before you start, I should warn you Tanex. I won't go easy on you either. If you raise your weapon against me, I don't care what organization you belong to, to raise your weapon on declaring yourself an enemy."

"I wouldn't have it any other way...after all...we NEVER did take each other lightly...I don't expect that to change." Tanex stated seriously preparing himself.

"Good." I smirked. My eyes rolled back slightly as I release some of my power from it's bindings, the two marks on my face darkening.

Without any further hindrance we clashed...fiercely and without hesitation to KILL.

