Summer days and Water sprays

Finally my mind had time to slow down and relax. Almost everyone was home and the craziness seemed to be dyeing down, well as must as it can with Zero still out there, some of our members still missing, and oh yeah Ximh's wife hanging around. Seeing how things worked around here something was bound to happen soon that would give us another 24 hours of running around.

I think having the kids around here was lighting things up for us too. There is just something about having children around that makes things much more cheerful. And even if Aidex was Nyx's apprentice I still hung around them alot and I could tell Aidex was taking a liking to me, and she is a sweet girl. It feels good to know someone is looking up to you.

Triskix suddenly left us saying we could go where ever for the time being. I thought know would be good for some alone time.

"I'm going to go up to my room. Come and get me if you need me." I said. Nyx nodded and I opened the portal and stepped through.

When I was in my room I allowed my mind to shut down and relax. I got myself to my bed before I passed out. I hadn’t realized how tired I was till I hit the pillow.

The court yard was warm and sunny. Summer days were the best and Demyx gave me the day off. I took off my coat and then sat on the ground to pull my boots off, leaving only my shirt and pants on.

the grass was warm and soft on my feet and you could hear the June bugs singing. It was one of those days that you need to squint to see outside.

I walked over to the huge oak tree I always sit under. I sat down and leaned up against it shutting my eyes. You could fall asleep easily when it was this warm.

My mind was drifting when I felt a splat of water on my cheek. My eyes flew open just in time to catch a drop in my eye. I looked up through the branches thinking it was raining. But there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

The drops continued to become more frequent until what seemed like a bucket of water spilled on my head. I jumped up with shock and confusion. Looking around for where that came from I heard laughter from up in the tree, then the shaking of branches, the sound of someone slipping, and then a black mass falling out of the tree onto the ground in front of me.

It took me a minute to realize it was Demyx and when I did I dropped to the ground asking him if he was alright. His response was a mix of laughter and groaning.

"Owww I landed on my arm funny." He said sitting up.

"Well severs you right for messing with me."

"Come on Xemmsur, you love water."

"Yeah..." I shaked my head flinging droplets of water from my hair in his face.

We sat in silence for a while leaving me to think of how lucky I was to have Demyx. He was a great teacher and just about the funnest person ever. I looked up to him so much, and wanted to be just like him.



"Why did you chose to bug me, why don't we go and find Axel and Tris. I bet they are busy training too." I said.

He looked like he was ordering this for a minute and then leaped up grabbing my head. "Your right lets go!"

He ran across the court yard dragging me behind him. There was a huge smile on my face.

Sophia: I know I know its been forever!
Xemmsur: heck yea. lolz
Sophia: sorry its kinda random, I just wanted to post something so I kinda made up a memory for Xemmsur. ha oh and lame title too lolz
