Sorry I haven't been on...

The new members made their own portals and disappeared to find their own rooms. The one with brown spiky hair had to be the one from the previous portal that Xemmsur, Kyxsha, Aidex and I were in. For some reason, that I had no idea why, he seemed familiar, but I just couldn't figure out why.

Silently we made our way down the hallway. Triskix in the lead followed closely by Lexian, Xemmsur, Aidex and myself. Then out of know where Triskix stopped and right when I was about to ask him if he was okay, he abruptly turned to us and said that he had to take leave.

I thought I saw something drip from Triskix's arm, but I pushed the thought away. Tris probably had some of Narexurk's blood on him from their previous battle. I wished that Narexurk would have stayed around a little longer, I could have tried to at least stop the bleeding. Then under Lexian questionable glaze he told us to do whatever and left.

Lexian walked over to where Triskix had left and knelt down for some reason, like he was examining something. I saw Aidex tilt her head stilly question his actions as well when Xemmsur spoke up next to us.

"I'm going to go up to my room. Come and get me if you need me." Xemmsur said.

“Alright.” I said nodding to her. Aidex waved and yelled out her own good-byes to ‘Master Xemmsur.’ Xemmsur said and made her portal to her room leaving us alone. Aidex began to ask me something but Lexian’s mumbling drew my attention away from her.

Triskix.” Lexian mumbled with a sigh standing, wiping something off of his hands.

Lexian, what’s going on?” I said trying to see what was wiped partially off of the floor.

“What?” Lexian said unknown to him that he had said something out loud. Turning to look directly at me staring, then rubbing his head and sighing he turned away again. “Nothing... Nothing to worry about Nyx.”

I could feel that he was keeping something from me. Lexian didn’t want me to worry about whatever he is staring to figure out, but I had to find out. Those two were always close and they always tried taking the brunt of everything, even from RaXi.

Lexian. What is really going on? Please! You can tell me. I want to try and help you two. I know something else is going on, Lex! Please tell me!”

I… No. I am sorry Nyx, not—“

“Tanex wants us all to come with him.” I blurted out looking down at my feet. Waiting for something to happen, for Lexian to say or do something. I remembered that Lexian didn’t like Tanex, I don’t think that it is that he didn’t really like him, but that he was scared of him more or less.

When?” Lexian said sighing and rubbing the back of his head still turned away from me. Aidex stayed quiet next to me looking down at the ground as well.

“When I went with RaXi. At Zero’s headquarters." I told Lexian. "I’m remembering more and more of Tanex now.” I commented more to myself.

Silences passed threw the hallway, and like a cold winter’s breeze it brought a chill to the air and left Goosebumps across my skin. Waiting for Lexian replay it felt like minutes… no more like hours until a word was spoken.

“I… think...” Sighing Lexian turned back to me looking me in the eyes. “We will talk of this later.” Lexian said looking down at a silent Aidex.

Sorry everyone that I took so long updating! There was somethings that came up at home. So I didn't get a chance to use the computer untill a couple of days ago.

