Triple Feature Comeback! ROFL


We were sitting in the dining hall when the girl...I think her name was Kyxsha appeared. But she wasn't alone. There was a little girl with her. She had nobody energy...but it was very doubtful that she was a member of the Organization.

"Kyxsha...who's this?" I found myself asking. She turned quickly to look at me.

"Uh...well....this here is...."

"XYTA!!!!" A sudden shout interrupted us. I turned away from Kyxsha to address the other little girl who'd come in. Her and Xyta were locked in an embrace and I couldn't help but sigh. Lexian and Nyx came in shortly after, they claimed to have been sent here by RaXi as well.

"Well, she should be here right after her meeting with the Leader." I explained. Since we were all waiting on the same person, we all took a seat and did just that.

Instead of accompanying me in the meeting with the Leader, Rexikat had retreated to her quarters. I could only think she was leaving her fate completely in my hands. I really had no desire to tell the Leader anything though...if I didn't have to report in after every mission I would just go to take care of my injury...but as it was...I would just have to make this fast.

Xraktos sat in his chair...his back to me. "....." His head turned slightly at my entrance. "humph...RaXi..."

"I come to report." I began without hesitation. "I have returned with Rexikat as ordered. She is now within the castle and awaits any orders given her."

"I see, very well then." Xraktos spoke slowly.

"If there are no further orders...this concludes my report." I turned to leave.

"What's sarcasm RaXi? Very unlike you....oh that blood I smell?"

I rolled my eyes and narrowed them as I glared back at him. "I see no reason to make small talk with you...I've many things to attend to....that is all."

He laughed at me. "Oh, you mean like going to lick your wounds? My, how the mighty RaXi has tell me...who gave you trouble?"

I was getting angry...I wasn't in the mood for this...

"Well...they must've..." Suddenly he stopped. His voice got very low...." this child?" I heard him mumble. I turned around quickly.

"What child?"

"None of your concern RaXi!" He suddenly stated forcefully. "Off with you now...but be aware...I shall be calling a meeting soon. Come when you are called. That is all."

"Fine with me." I recounted angrily and left immediately. I appeared in the dining hall and found Setxune quickly enough. He was sitting with Kyxsha, Nyx, Lexian, and Aidex...along with another child. Sighing, I plastered on a fake smile and approached. Just as I was about to sit down with them though, a nobody appeared and ordered the elite to "Where Nothingness Gathers".

"Never a there?" I smirked. "Well we go..."

" HAVE to take care of your injury." Nyx insisted.

"I've stopped the bleeding pretty much's just a quick meeting. It'll be alright." I rebuked once more. "Oh and Kyxsha." I stated facing her immediately. "That child there is not a resident of this castle."

They all looked down at the little girl who clung suddenly to the bottom of Kyxsha's cloak. "She's...I found her RaXi...she..."

"I'm not the one in which you will explain." I stated coldly. "You will bring her to the meeting....understood?"

"...RaXi..." I heard Nyx mumble.

"Come. We should report. As for Aidex and Xyta. You two should stay here with Setxune." I ordered. "We won't be long."

Without another word I walked through the portal before them and took my seat. Now, I merely awaited the start of the meeting.


Standing atop the tower, I relished the cool breeze that blew past me. Pashnirix had taken off...and I really didn't care to follow him. I had delivered the message...that was all that was expected of me. My mind drifted back a what Tanex had just said. It bothered me...and yet at the same time, I could do nothing about it.

-We had just portaled back to the Citadel. "Tanex, what the hell happened?!" I spoke in anger.

"I could ask you the same Marlex." Tanex merely smiled, giving me a slight glare with those eyes of his. "It shouldn't have mattered how outnumbered you were...why did you hesitate to dispatch them?"

I fell silent and turned away. "Humph...they weren't worth the effort anyhow...besides I could care less for.."

"Be silent." Tanex halted me with his malicious deep tone. "You will play the role assigned to you until we are ready to do otherwise. There is still much to be you understand?"

I nodded slowly, slightly downcast now.

Tanex stood up from his hunched over position and I stepped back as I felt him about to use his power. I only noticed it now but...his lips were turning blue. Something appeared before me and seemed to sparkle away into nonexistence. And then Tanex sighed...a breath of relief from the sound of it.

"That RaXi is quite meddling. Even the slightest of cuts...and she threatens to destroy you." Tanex laughed. "I don't know if I should feel happy...or upset that she was seriously trying to take my life."

I looked at Tanex seriously. "What happened between you two? Tanex." I stated forcefully. He gave me a empathetic look, then came in close.

"You sound pathetic Marlex...what do you think happened? We clashed."

"Not that and you know it! What did you tell of all people...aren't one to keep your silence..."

"I gave her a warning." He admitted before I could finish...bringing his voice to almost below a whisper. "And so, she may....NO...she WILL be making her move soon. You can count on that much from someone like RaXi. She will not hesitate...not against any opposition."

I didn't know what to say. Part of me wished I could help her...but then...I knew she would never accept that. Just like...she could never accept me.

"Marlex." Tanex stated completely serious, he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Do not falter now. Not when that man is so close to making his know what actions we must take...I'm counting on you."

I looked into his eyes...which were for once...sincere. I nodded. "I know my place..."

"Good." Tanex accepted. Xeros appeared behind us.

"They are gathered." He reported.

Looking once more at me, Tanex smirked and walked through a portal after Xeros. "So it begins..." I heard him say as they both left. -

"Yes....but to what end....?" I found myself mumbling atop the tower as I portaled back inside and walked the long and empty hall back to my quarters.

~ Setxune/RaXi/Marlex

Kira: lol...this was fun. Anyway! I'm sorry I took so long everyone. If you were waiting for sorry!!! I was pretty busy this week, but now I'm all caught up! ^^

RaXi: hah...apologies will not avail you! I'm wounded here!!! HEAL ME DA****!!

Marlex: Stop whining...and don't do anything rash!

Setxune: Emotions are useless....

Kira: haha...anyway...hope you all enjoyed this TRIPLE FEATURE!!! I HAD to put Marlex was able to get RaXi's crystals out with his void. Just in case you forgot, if RaXi gets a cut on ya...they go into the blood stream and freeze you. ^^
