Decisions to be made...

"Nyx...are you alright? What happened...come on Nyx..." I heard someone ask me, they seemed distant.

All I could see was bluish silver hair as it floated by in front of me and a white smile flashed. Cristal blue eyes sparked and across his face an imperfection crossed across on the bridge of his nose, resembling a X.

I couldn't understand what was happening everything around me didn't look the same. The white room seemed to sparkle and everything that reflected light seemed to intensify in brightness.

I could feel an arm around my waist lifting me up, but even that small motion disturbed the light waves around us and made everything swim together in a blur. The cold familiarity of the chair told me I was placed back in my spot. I could feel that my right, mismatched, eye burned and I recognized some of the pain. Focusing on the two outlines I saw that it was Ximh and Xemmsur.

"Thank you." I said but I didn't even think that they heard me, so I made a mental note to thank them later.

The meeting started back up and after I gained my bearings a little more I looked over at the Leader, that was when I noticed that Triskix wasn't there. Raxi's question drew me to her chair and then a small movement made me look down.

"Triskix." I whispered out hoping that he could hear me in his mind. I didn't understand what happened but if it was because of the leader...

"I didn't say anything false. What I need, are indeed LESSER NOBODIES. You may know them as Organization Zero. In my perspective, the LOWEST OF THE LOW....but that is what I require." The Leader nearly screamed out cutting my thoughts off.

"Therefore your orders, are to find and retrieve the members of Zero. They shall become the prisoners that will power my Cypher!"

'WHAT!' I wanted to scream out but I couldn't find my voice. Franticly I turned my head to look at RaXi, colors started to blend again.

'Marlex, Xeros... Tanex that means that they would be thrown into this and everyone else in the opposing organization. Pashnirix though he was the enemy I did owe him from before. Xemmsur could have pushed him back again and I didn't think that he really wanted to kill us, but we didn't want to kill him either and that was the most dangerous part of it.' I thought as question began to raise in my mind.

'Then there was the man that RaXi knew, Verex I believe, and I did want him in it either, because I knew RaXi wouldn't. No one deservers to die because of a selfish need no matter how important it was,' and with RaXi statement I knew I didn't have to worry.

"RaXi Is Right!" Finding my voice I blurted out my option.

After a minute of our own debate the Leader had enough and yell out. Only then I noticed that due to his yelling the light around the area that looked to me like glitter moved, formed, and floated down to the middle of the floor. The burning in my right eye increased.

RaXi's voice cut out, and with looking over at her a strong sense of worry washed over me. Thinking it was the leader I sent a glare that way and tried to desperately think of someway to capture that light again.

'Uselessss.' The word crossed my mind by another voice.

"RAXI! RaXi? Are you alright." I said leaning over my chair to look at her, and as I tried to think of an attack to make the leader let her go... Lexian chimed in.

"Nyx, Xemmsur. Its a past memory." Lexian stated

I looked over at an equally worried Xemmsur. The seconds passed by like minutes and the minutes passed by as if they where hours.

"Say what you must! But in the end, You will do what I say!" The Leader answered back hate in his voice, but I couldn't even look his way.

Then I watched as RaXi rose an grin on her face that I have not seen in quite sometime, looking closer I don't think I have ever. My thoughts went back to her other, and I wondered just what kind of control she had over her in the open. I saw that Lexian caught that something didn't seem right also.

Pointing at the Leader her voice rose and the sparkles of light that I have come to see, moved once more away from the devise. At times like this I wished Roxas stuck around longer so I could ask him more questions, for this is not the only question I have. Especially now that I have an apprentice.

"We have business to discuss later." RaXi growled. "But for ME...this meeting is OVER."

"RaXi?" I called out but she already left threw a portal.

Looking back at the Leader and Lexian I made a portal down to the ground, but going threw it felt so weird and it was bright.

"Triskix? Tris?" I asked kneeling down slowly shaking his shoulders, the Leader said something but I couldn't really hear him. "Tris, please say your okay."

