"Nice to meet you Xetira. I'm Xemmsur, ermm I would stay and talk a bit more but I got some business to take care of. I trust you can explore this place on your own, right?" Xemmsur said then left. She was worried and angry about something.
Someone collided into me as I was talking and I flinched. I could feel the darkness inside them.
"I'm so sorry."He said as he lifted up rubbing his head.
"No its my fault for not looking in time to move." I awnsered him politly. He seemed to observe me.
"Hello,my name is Zavix." He told me.I knew he could see the darkness inside me.
"Nice to meet you,my name is Xetira." I babbled back. But did he know exactly how dark it really was? He passed out and I felt his darkness cover him.
"Zavix whats wrong?"asked Deidrex jumping down to roll him over. I sighed. A boy with red spiky-ish hair and cold black eyes came out of a portal and seemed quite agittated.
"More people," He sighed.I had the strangest feeling that 1.He was tired and 2. He thought I was going to mess with his crazed version of order.
"Um..........who are you?" I asked.
"Introduce yourself first seeing as you entered my castle uninvited," He said irratated. I knew he was right but I felt like this castle wasn't his yet it seemed to me like he should be the one who leads it. He had a sense of...purpose around him, he was determined and confused. Was he why I was drawn here? For a few seconds I felt another presence coming from him, one that was selfish and evil in my opinion.
"Um....I'm Xetira," I answered. "Is it true? Are the rumors ture that you're bringing back the thirteen nobodies? the Organization XIII?" He gave me a cold stare.
"Fine then," he answered sharply. "So I expect that seeing that you already know about that matter, I expect you know the rules of this castle as well." I felt that presence again. I had an idea. That presence seemed to be cominicating with the boy. If i focused my unuasul powers on a purpose maybe I could make out what he was saying to him.
"Um...." I awnsered. Yes I knew the rules but they might have changed a bit.
"I am Triskix," He continued. "Second of this castle. Tell me of your intentions in this castle."
"I...uh....I wanted to see it happen," I said. I didn't really to explain why I was drawn to this place now. It just felt like it needed help and for some reason I was compelled to give it.
"See what?" he asked.
"See the XIII come back," I told him.Someone else filled with darkness entered the room
"Darkness is gathering," He growled. "Yuumeix, Lerxia, Zavix, myself, and now Xetira."
"The Leader's collecting," Triskix answered rolling my eyes.
The nobody gave him a glare, but he ignored it.
"Now you have come at an interesting time I must say," he continued. "There is work to be done, and a group of nobodies to be captured." The presence was closer to Triskix now,it would be coming back soon. I focused my power as best as I could. Everyone's emotions became clearer and I felt my eye's shade of gray become lighter. Triskix sent his thoughts to the presence and it replied. In that moment he replied I did not hear his current htoughts, I was still not concentrating hard enough, but I did hear the subconsouis ones. ONe word repeated in his subconsouis in the second.'Martel' he had thought.
"Who is Martel?" I asked curouisly outloud and let my strain to hear his words stop becuase I knew it was useless at the moment."Why is she so important?" I waited for someone to respond.
I smile becuase I don't want to show you what I feel inside.
I hope I got every thing right this time...lol