
After a somewhat strange meeting I was left feeling a bit confused. Why had the Leader proposed something so ridiculous? I was sure he'd known about all our connections there...was this some sort of test? Wanting to know just HOW loyal we were?? Well, I for one, wouldn't follow this order. There was no way I was gonna strap my little brother in some weird machination for a reason I was not privy to.

As I walked slowly down the hall towards my room, I happened to see Xemmsur confronting Kyxsha. Trying my hardest to listen in, I found she was demanding Kyxsha NOT go after Zero as well. She didn't seem to have the greatest confidence in her tone, so I decided that I would back her up.

"Because...some of the old apprentices are there and I refuse to fight them..." She had just finished muttering in a very low voice.

"I won't be following this demand either. Not only because I don't see the meaning in fueling some strange machine, but I won't allow anyone to try and bring my brother in either." I stated stepping up behind Xemmsur.

"Ximh?" Xemmsur said slightly shocked as she turned to look up at me.

"You guys are acting like the traitors now!" Kyxsha suddenly shouted. "You don't HAVE to understand your orders...just follow them, like I intend to do!"

"Do you now?" I stated lowly closing my eyes. "Really? You intend to march to Zero ALONE then? Because I highly doubt any here will be willing to follow you. Kyxsha are you truly that reckless?!! Do you want to die!" At the end of my sentence I found my glaring eyes staring deep into hers. I wanted to get this across to her. It was suicide.

"Ximh is right Kyxsha...you were the only one in the meeting willing to follow the orders..." Xemmsur spoke softly. "...won't you please...please not go through with this?"

