The story of my life.... complications

I watched Kyxsha jump out the window and into a portal. I stood there for a second as a wave of anger, defeat, and worry ran over me. I was angry at Kyxsha for doing this, I felt defeated because I couldn't stop her, and worry that she was going to get hurt. She was no match for them alone even if she did take Narexurk, they were both in danger.

I turned to Ximh and opened my mouth to say something. But no words came. I closed my mouth. I stared at him a bit longer letting all these fake emotions run over me. Before it was to much I said I had to go and turned the other way and walked dow the hall.

"See you later Ximh."

I walked, drowned in my thoughts. I didn't know what to think about now. A lesser nobody came to me and said that I was needed for a meeting and I began to make my way towards the front hall.

When I arrived there Triskix and Raxi were staring at each other. Nyx was standing next to Triskix and so was Lexian. Everyone was silent for a while till Nyx opened her mouth to speak. But when she did I didn't listen. I was too out of it.

I watched the scene unfold in front of me. Nyx gave Triskix a hug then left. Raxi said she had to leave and then she portaled away too. It left me, Tris, and Lex just standing there, until Lexian snapped.

"Are you going to just sit there all frickin day long?" he snapped.

"Lexian!" I said.

"You are pathetic. The second in command of Oblivion shouldn't wear such a broken-puppy face. It's stupid." He continued to taunt Triskix. I tried to tell him to stop but he wouldn't listen.

Then Triskix punched him right in the jaw. There were a few tense moments before Lexian let it go. These two drove each other crazy. One day they are friends, the next they fight. But that’s what seemed to keep them in line.

We were silent again for a while which gave me room to think. I realized why Nyx and Raxi were leaving. They weren't going to follow this leader. And they were right. Lexian was right too, Triskix is a good leader, a much better one then the leader. And I realized to help Nyx and Raxi, and to get all of this to work out we were going to have to follow along. And do what we are told for the time being... only I would do as what Triskix told me.

"You would be a better leader than someone willing to kill people to bring back others. Triskix, I refuse to have Tanex and everyone be used in the Leader's machine, but if you order it... I would help capture Zero..." I could barely believe the words coming out of my mouth. But they made sense. And I would leave the apprentices alone. Someone else could take them, I will not, but that doesn't stop me from the rest... even if they are the same as me... I have to follow orders... for now.

Lexian said he would follow too. And Triskix asked him to go join Raxi and Nyx. He agreed and portaled away.

"I will stay here." I said before he sent me away too. He at least needs more than one apprentice running this place.

He nodded and said thank you. We stood there silent, again, until we felt their presents gone from the castle. They were gone, off to who knows where. They promised to be back, and we know they would, and maybe with something great.

"Xemmsur, he’s going to kill." Triskix suddenly spoke.

"Wha-" I realized what he meant and we both rushed off into a portal. We walked down the hall to see Tamex and Minx on the ground, and the leader standing over them.

I rushed over to them and immediately put up a wall of water to protect them. Triskix added his flames then turned to the leader. He got the leader's attention and his hold on Tamex and Minx was dropped.

"Are you two alright?" I asked them. All I got back was groans.

Then the leader went after Minx. Both me and Triskix strengthen our shields and watched them explode at his attack.

"ENOUGH!" Triskix yelled. They continued on with their conversation in their heads and I tried my best to heal them. But I have never really tried my healing powers and was probably doing nothing to help.

Finally the leader gave in and left us. Triskix rushed over to help Minx. I pulled Tamex's arm over my shoulder and helped him over to the wall.

"Lady Xemmsur, you don't need to help me." he said.

"Yes I do, and don't worry I won't tell anyone that I helped. You were the big strong man all on your own." I teased. I set him down against the wall and he forced himself to stand up. I reminded Triskix that he had called a meeting. He told me to take care of Tamex and Minx, but Tamex said he was coming with Triskix so he left Minx with me.

I stood there for a while, watching Minx. And then I decided that I wasn't going to miss what Triskix has to say so I scooped up Minx and carried her all the way to the meeting.
Sophia: sorry for the really long and useless post. lolz I just wanted to get Xemmsur's point of view of everything in there.
