Lightning within shadows.

I sighed after I shot a bolt of lightning at a target.

"I am finally regaining some use of my arm." I said to myself.

I then opened a portal, and entered it.

When I exited it I saw Kyxsha, Xihm, the woman who wasn't a nobody, and a young Nobody.

" the care of someone more SUITABLE." I heard from the woman who was with Xihm.

I stayed where I wasn't going to be seen.

The young Nobody rushed towards Kyxsha, and hugged her legs. Kyxsha bent over and hugged her back.

I was focused on Kyxsha, so I didn't notice that Xihm and the woman who was with him, had gne to Xihm's room.

Kyxhsa and the young Nobody started to talk to to each other.

I was to far to hear them.

I sighed, and walked a little closer.

I still stayed out of their sight.

"Hey Kyxsha." I said, walking out of the shadows.

Sixth Hoshikage: your being sneaky.
Narexurk: Yeah, you have real deductive skills.
Sixth hoshikage: No need to be snide.
Narexurk: Yeah there is.
