Something's wrong...

"You're free..." I mumbled more to myself than to Verex. I couldn't believe it...of all the suggestions...Snow White's had been correct. But...perhaps they were ALL just had to choose your own path. And then I recalled how I'd KISSED him...I suddenly felt very face seemed to feel warm...What was this?! This feeling...

Verex smiled and jumped up. He grabbed me into a tight embrace. "Thank you so much RaXi...Thank you..."

I couldn't move...I didn't know what to to react....none of it. And then my thoughts drifted to Triskix...he was bound as well...I had to free him. Had to break Xrakto's control over him. But could I bring myself to act in such a way towards him as well. Now that I had....kissed Verex...what did that mean? Did that imply some sort of love? But I was a Nobody...I couldn't....

My mind recalled Pashnirix and Rexikat's predicament. "No...that's not's not that I CAN'T....I have just refused it...refused to believe in it...all this time...." I mumbled in realization.

Verex pulled away. "RaXi? What are you talking about?"

I looked into his eyes...I could feel it now. The reason why as I gazed into them...I felt as though nothing could stop me. I could not lie to Verex... "Verex...there's something you have to has always been my duty to protect-" I was cut off. I suddenly had a horrible had landed on my being like a ton of bricks. Something was terribly wrong. Something with Triskix...he was...hurt...or....even dying...I suddenly felt rushed. A wave of anger flooding over me. "That B******!!! I left...I went from there to SPARE him! How DARE DARE he!!"

I paced the room anxiously until Verex took hold of me by the shoulders and halted me. "RaXi!" He calmed me down instantly. Looking into my eyes filled with sincerity he said, "Do what you NEED to do...I believe in you. I trust you RaXi."

My body relaxed completely and I slowly moved in and kissed Verex on the cheek. "I have to protect him...they are all my responsibility Verex. But I swear...I shall return to you."

"Don't worry...I will wait forever if I have to." He laughed. "Oh, and RaXi...I'll cover for you. Right now Tanex is assisting in the experiment...just hurry back alright. He won't worry...but I'm sure your friend Nyx will if she finds you gone."

"Yes." I affirmed. Opening a portal, I masked my presence and entered Oblivion. Following Triskix's lowered energy signature...I rushed to the Infirmary.

He was lying there in an unconscious state...something terrible had happened to him....Xemmsur was passed out on a nearby chair and Minx had fallen asleep with her head on Tamex's shoulder. They all seemed exhausted...most likely from dealing with Triskix's wounds...

I stood before Triskix. An overwhelming sadness flooded my being. I couldn't stand to see him this way...not at all. My hand found it's way to his cheek as I nudged him. "Triskix...Triskix?" I whispered...hoping he would open his eyes but....nothing. He needed to be free from that man...until he was...he would suffer this way forever.

My hand quivered as I thought about what I was going to attempt. I didn't think it would work a second time...but I had to try. At least this way, Triskix was he wouldn't know if it DIDN'T WORK. I looked back at the others...still asleep. Slowly I leaned in....until just as I was about to bestow the deed upon him...Tamex spoke.

"Yes, he's breathing Lady RaXi."

I froze((pun! haha -_-')) immediately jolting up...I prayed Tamex hadn't deduced what I was about to do. I turned to face him. "What happened to him Tamex? And what are you doing back at the Castle?"

"I don't know what happened. He was found that way...I can only assume." Tamex answered.

"I it's as I thought." I affirmed. "I can't do anything about it yet...carelessness will achieve nothing."

"As for your second question...I came back here for answers." Tamex started. "Maybe you could help me Lady RaXi. Tell me do you know a nobody named Verex?"

I gave Tamex a sideways glance. "Yes I do." I answered truthfully. Tamex smiled immensely. "However, I'm sure I don't have any of the answers you seek." His smile vanished to a look of curiosity.

"How do you know that? I haven't ASKED them yet..."

"Tamex...listen closely." I demanded my voice very low. I felt the need to leave...the last thing I needed was for that man to find me here. "I have left this Castle for the time being. I only returned for Triskix..." My eyes wandered back to him in his sad state. "Now that I know you're here though...I'm sure I have nothing to fear. Please Tamex...take care of him...protect them all until I can return."

"What? Look..."

"Please...I know this is a heavy burden to place on you. I do not ask you to wage my war...only to tend to their wounds and keep them from death." I explained. Not waiting for his answer I turned back to a portal. "We will return soon...please...just until then. I'm counting on you..."

Stepping through I returned to Tanex's Oblivion. The room where Verex stood waiting. "That didn't take long...did you free him?"

My eyes turned down. "No..."

Verex smiled. "Don't will. I'm sure you'll all save him eventually. Until then...just have faith in him alright?"

I nodded.

"Now come need to get some rest...I'm going back down to the lab to speed things up...but RaXi...seriously...get some sleep." Verex instructed me. "Or do I need to guard you and make sure?"

"No...I will rest...I promise." I assented.

Verex left and I laid down. I fell asleep slowly...the plans for the battle to come rushing through my head. Not only that...but all those who were waiting for me back at Oblivion...those who had put their faith in me. I swore...I wouldn't let them down...

She is so protective of the apprentices...I really need to hurry up and post so I can show you all why!! >x< I've been so busy RaXi's world hasn't been updated for awhile now. T-T
