Gone with the Sun

HOW DARE YOU!" I came out of my Zombie like state to hear yelling "Impudent woman! Injuring a Demigod with your blasphemy!" The voice sounded so familiar yet i could not quite place it. I looked around me and found myself in the Throne room at Argaba... Keesha was behind this... but were was she?

"Domix!" That yell i recognised as Ximh. I came and stood near the window and watched as The twins talked. Ximh's back was to me and i saw Keesha lying face down on the floor infront of Domix's feet The Thorne of Truth lying near her.

"I'm sorry Magni....I didn't mean to interfere...I really didn't..." He spoke in a broken tone. "How...what...did I do?"

"It doesn't matter...the woman is subdued...we have to find the weapons now." Ximh tore off a piece of his shirt and hastily bandaged up his arm. The blood from his cut eluminated in the moonlight, my eyes were fixed on XImh before i noticed Domix walking towards me with Keesha. I rushed to the darkest corner to hide myself.Domix dropped her on the floor inside the balcony with a thud. "Now...where do you think the armory would be?" Ximh asked

"I can help you find it...they aren't in the armory though...THOSE weapons are the war-room..." I spoke slowly walking forwards out of the shadows.

".....Kyxsha?" Ximh asked.
I stood as Domix walked back to grab the spear from where it lay. He spun the spear and aimed it at Keesha's exposed throat.
"Don't, she is evil but without these weapons she is no threat to you."
Domix looked at me and growled as he recognised me.
"Domix" Ximh said, his look made Domix take the spear from Keesha's throat.
"These Weapons?" he pretty much growled.

"The war room... This way." i showed them to the passageway on the left of the throne. I created a porthole underneath Keesha, she went through it and landed on the pillow lined floor of her bedroom.

We walked onto the war room, Each weapon as majestic as the last. My gaze fell onto the spear Domix now held. The Handle had delicate images of the past gods running and playing along with animals, all the craviings were covered with gold leaf and shone in the torchlight. The Final Life, the long sword, gold hilted with gems encrusting the sccabard. Chains of Hope, the colour of blood, and shining like rubies. Pupils of the Devil, twin daggers that were plainer then their other counterparts in this room, but they were made for practicality... to go unnoticed by the gods until they felt deaths breathe against their neck.

The Twins grabbed all of them and started to pack them for travel.
'My father always told me these weapons were undestructable, that rust would never damage them... but that didn't mean they should be used for their purpose, When Keesha is gone you will have no threat from this country... even IF we still had those weapons.' i said leaning against the door frame.

"Keesha... you talk as if she is an entirely different person." Ximh commented.
"She is, we are nothing alike. She would have used those weapons on you the second she could... and i see she did," i said as i saw the blood soaking his rough bandage, "But i would never do that. Power is not what i desire."

"Then what IS it you desire?" Domix asked.
I just smiled as both boys looked at me and waited for my answear.
".... Why would a god care about the desires of a human?" i asked him back. With that i walked away from the room and entered Keesha's room. I watched over her and waited till she awoke.

I felt Ximh's presence come to the door for a short while but without a word he left. I no longer felt their presence in Agaraba, so I just sat there and waited until Keesha woke up.

Her eyes stirred and finally she began to rise.
"You killed them right?" she asked when she turned to see me. "You killed them and kept our ancestors weapons safe?"
I raised my head slightly and looked up at the ceiling. The sun was about to rise over the horizon. I looked Keesha in the eyes and shook my head.

"No, The gods have the weapons. They will keep them safe."
She screamed at me, but i just sat there and waited until she finshed, her curses directed at me but also at Ximh and his Brother as they were now most likely back at their fathers, showing him the weapons and getting their praises.
