
Slowly my eyes flickered open...back to the candle-lit room of this Oblivion of Old. With the set up of the room, I couldn't help but recall the very first time I'd opened my eyes in this place...even the candelabra was the same as back then. I hadn't dreamed of felt so much like an empty sleep...almost as though I hadn't slept at all...and yet I felt like it had been hours at the same time. I could feel all the activity around me...all the different nobodies scurrying around...but just barely over the overwhelming energy signature from the castle itself. It seemed to scream Tanex.

I got up and prepared to head straight back to the lab when suddenly I felt Triskix. He was inside the Castle with Tanex no doubt! I didn't hesitate for an instant, opening a portal to their location I confronted them immediately.

Triskix was looking at his surroundings in awe...I knew he was taking a trip to the past right now...but I had to interrupt it. He was...bleeding...heavily. Tanex looked at me with a slight though he were waiting for me to make a big deal.

"Triskix!" I shouted. He snapped out of his 'moment' and met my gaze. "Tanex, what is going on? How is...when did you-"

"RaXi...this's..." Triskix spoke. Suddenly he seemed to stumble though he would fall at any moment. Taking immediate action I grabbed him by his shoulders and secured him by keeping him steady. Then grabbing his arm I forced it over my shoulder and made him lean on me for support...he had a bad gash under his ribs...not to mention all the stitching...he'd lost altogether too much blood.

"We're here again are we? You Idiot! What are you doing much less?! After what Tamex just did for you...and you just open up all your wounds?!" I shouted.

"I know but...wait..." Triskix halted. "How did you know that RaXi?"

I didn't know what to say...I could tell him I went...but then again...what was the reason? There was really no reason at all...

"Ugh! Enough with all this right now! I want to know what you think of my Castle Triskix!" Tanex suddenly cut in waving his hands around at the walls as though to highlight the surroundings. "'ve got one foot in the grave already...seeing as you're a shinigami...but please, no fading on my watch alright? Let's get you fixed up..."

Triskix gave a slight smirk and Tanex walked to his other side to help me support him. He opened a portal in front of us and we stepped into the castle infirmary. It wouldn't be long before others came to find the very least I knew Nyx would sense him immediately. It was our specialty after all. And knowing her, she would bring Lexian along as soon as possible.

As Tanex saw to getting everything necessary for Triskix, I found my place at the nearby wall, leaning against it I waited for them to come...and more importantly...I waited for answers as to just WHY Triskix had come here in his condition...

What was going on...


Protect thyself Dear One,
Tread Carefully with unstepping feet,
Not every path, though sparce Treadspides
Is worthy of thy travel...
