Back to Square One...

"Nyx? Is that you?" Someone called out down the hallway.

‘Lexian… it is him.’ I thought with relief that he decided to stay here even though Xirian was in the castle. Rounding one more corner I saw the dark haired man, his red eyes already detected the small movement in the dark place and was staring at me.

“Lex!” I said running over and reaching up to wrapping my arms around him to give him a hug. I could almost feel his eyes roll at the welcoming I gave him used to it by now. Pulling back I noticed the wall behind him the stone was cracked and pieces of it covered the floor.

“Lexian what—,” but it looked like he was already for the question. Giving me a stern look he merely stated that it was nothing and waved it off like normal.

“You always say that.” I comment more to myself than anything but it was loud enough for Lexian to hear.

“That is due to your elaborate ways of thinking, Nyx. Sometimes things are not that involved as you seem to think they are.”

“Maybe your right.”

About more things then one,’ I thought to myself. Thinking not only about what Lexian was meaning but of the earlier incident inside the portal. He said his name was Xerebus but could that really have been him, and if it was we are enemies, in a sense, why didn’t he—.


“What? Oh… nothing. Hey Lexian earlier did you feel—,” Before I could even say it I felt it again, but this time I couldn’t have been just delusion he felt to close. It had to be him but here of all places? Why?

“Triskix but something isn’t right.”

“I think he is with Tanex and RaXi… it is hard to find where they are.” I said while I closed my eyes trying to locate where, but it was just as hard as it was trying to find Lexian before.

“Nyx.” Lexian said drawing me out of my thoughts to locate them. Off to the corner I saw what Lexian was pointing to, a portal to the in between.

“It will be easier in there. Come on.” He stated reaching to grab hold of my arm to pull me in but I flinched and took a step back away.

I didn’t want to go back there again, not when I finally pushed this weird feeling away and the pain had gone numb. Lex looked at me oddly and reached out again demanding that we leave.

“No. I… I can find him Right Here!”

“That is just going to take long, and we don’t have the time.” Lex declared. “Lets go.”

“I… No. I…”

“I am not going to wait. Why can’t you go in there?” Lexian demanded.

“I… ah… never mind. Your right, Triskix needs us and that’s first.” I said bleakly walking past him to the portal, telling myself over and over again just get in and out.

Then before we even made it in a cheery voice made us stop and turn to see who was there. Sighing great fully I saw Tanex approach us smiling but my eyes landed on the red stains on his shirt.

“There you two are I have been looking for you guys! Geez maybe I should have made this a littllleeee smaller.” Tanex said holding his pointer finger to his cheek at the last part that was said mostly to himself.


“Now, now… patience little Emo. I am getting to that part and don’t start worrying about our little pyro Nyx. He will be better and hopefully in a better mood too. He tends to be a little ill-tempered when he is hurt.” Smiling he continued on as he made a portal.

“Now on to bigger matters!” Tanex looked back at us to usher us threw the portal, his blue eyes sparkling with something unknown. “I have a feeling that our time is running short so we may as well sum up our own ideas together! Then maybe we will find out ‘some things’ that we never knew before.”

The perfect shade of blue awaits the right weather,
like how I wait for you
From a thousand miles away,
I gaze at the curling chimney smoke
The calligraphy beneath the bottle,
elegance of the Han Dynasty
Our meeting I foreshadowed

