Where to go?

So what have I been doing?


After the meeting I left instantly to Twilight Town. The leader had given us 2 weeks... I think before we leave to attack Zero. I promised Triskix I would listen and I would carry out this plan for him, but that didn't stop the rage I felt towards myself or the will deep down not to do this.

So I ran away to Twilight Town. Maybe I was hiding maybe I was blowing off steam.

I camped out on the clock tower, never leaving for anything except sea salt ice cream. I drowned myself in the few memories I was still missing. I opening let them come back to me and just watched my life play before me for who knows how long.

My ties to the castle however were as strong as ever and I could sense who was still there.

Lex, Nyx, and Raxi were still gone. It was unclear to me when they left exactly what they were doing. But I hoped that they were doing well and they would return soon. Tris wasn't in his best state and with Rexi, Kyxsha, and Ximh always out on their own business that practically left me in charge.

But then I felt Triskix leave the castle.

I stood up immediately trying to feel where he was, but I couldn’t pick him up anywhere.

I reached out my hand to form a portal but hesitated. Should I really go back? What was the point? We have 2 weeks of nothing and most of the elite left me here. But then I thought of the castle being empty of a leader, besides that awful man, and how they all left in trust that me and Tris would stay and hold the fort down.

I summoned the portal and felt Kyxsha enter the castle. Good I have someone to work with.

I opened my portal to some random hall and began making my way towards Kyxsha's room. Deidrex came storming down the hall looking extremely bored. I walked right past her with my head down. I'm sure my face was all screwed up with worry.

"Hey Xemmsur."

I stopped and turned around.

"Do you know where everyone is? The apprentices I mean," Deidrex asked.

"No, actually I don't. I just got back from.... a little vacation to look for them," I replied. It occurred to me that Deidrex and I were the only two apprentices left here. "Ummmm I'm not really sure where I'm going to look or how I'm going to find them but I sure as heck need some help. You wouldn't mind sticking around, would you?"

Deidrex's face seemed to light up with some to do. "Sure Xemmsur, anything you need."

"Great right now though I need to find Kyxsha, who seemed to moved to the training room. Follow me," I said turning back around and changing my course to the training room. I could hear Deidrex's foot steps behind me.

When we got to the training room Kyxsha was working with Lucinde. She seemed to be teaching her some moved, but the look on her face told me she was thinking of something else.

"Kyxsha," I called from the door way. She turned around to face me. "Did you just get back here?"

"Yeah, no one was here when I arrived. When did you get back," she answered.

"Just now. Do you happen to know where any of the other elite are?"

"I know Ximh is with his family..... and that’s it."

"oh...." I stood there in silence for a while, trying to figure things out. No one knew where anyone was. What was I expose to do if they didn't show up by the 2 week mark. I sure as heck wasn't doing this alone.

I looked back to Kyxsha who went back to watching Lucinde. But she still had that worried look on her face.

"Is something the matter Kyxsha?"

Sophia: yeah yeah I know its been a super long time since I showed my face around here. But I decided to stop being a little on the lazy side and catch up. Looks like I made it back here just in time. Any who... ummmmm I forgot what else I was going to say. lolz xDD
