New Realizations

Once we made it into the meeting room once more and to our seats the meeting began. Everyone had the seat that their masters had and with Triskix now occupying Axel’s our, what I like to think of it, family was almost complete. Xyta was still anxiously looking around for RaXi I guess, and that started to make me worry as well.

Then before everyone split her energy felt different. It was rawer, almost violent in a way and just so unusual and it worried me. Just like Triskix outburst a little bit ago.

Tanex starting of talking about Triskix now being here, and that he would bring Xemmsur here soon, then told us that RaXi and Marlex where on their own mission. The question was what the mission was and who it was for. Did Tanex ask them?

Tanex went on deeper into the mystery behind Xraktos and Xerebus and while he was talking I looked over at Triskix and for a moment. Something caught my eye and I thought I saw a wet crimson stream flowing down his arm, but before I could get a closer look he moved and covered it up. Yet on the arm of the chair the evidence remand… a small drop left over untouched by his moving arms.

I remembered that from before Triskix had said that it was nothing, though I didn’t believe him then, it only made more since now. I had to be something with that pact. Tanex had said that you could draw on that person power, could you also hurt the other by that means too?

“They both made pacts,” Triskix started pausing and drawing in a breath. “And……they both hold someone dear…..someone named Martel.”

“Your words only confirm my knowledge,” Tanex said a smile played on his face. “From what I learned, Xerebus is a god forced into nobody form, and Xraktos as we already know is a pactmaker that has become a nobody. Their original names are Erebus and Kratos. Martel is a goddess who disappeared from the worlds years ago for unknown reasons. It is my knowledge that Martel is Erebus’s sister as well as Kratos’s lover.”


Looking down to Aidex and Xyta I checked on them again and to also see if they said something but they were both staring at Triskix listening to his words. No one else looked like they did either so what, mind play tricks again, I think.

The meeting went on and both Tanex and Triskix add to each others knowledge that they had gathered. The information that they came up with was astounding, but seemed that something else was missing. The Pact maker’s Council sounded so organized and secretive, so why are they letting this take place in the open. Their secret Council will be known by so many and people will want to find out more of it… unless they plan to not let anyone know. I wonder what lengths they would go too to keep it that way.

I also had another question in the back of my mind, I don’t know if they know it themselves but it was worth a try.

“Tanex, Triskix. You both stated something toward the beginning that has kept running in my head. You said something about that ‘they both `are` part of a pact.’ So does that mean that they both are still in that pact correct? Do you know the details of that pact they share?”

“Also Xraktos… is a human in a sense; he’s not a god, right? And you said before that “Pactmakers are humans who get special powers from gods and summon spirits.” So does that mean that there is someone above Xraktos that holds a pact over him? Is that the same pact that is held over Xerebus as well?”
