wake up call

I didn't notice I fell asleep till I started dreaming.

I was dreaming of the original organization. All the apprentices and all the original 13 were together again. I never wanted to leave my dream, it was so peaceful and perfect, like the way things should be.

“No one orders me to do anything,” a voice said from behind me. I spun around to see Tanex looking at me. I smiled at me and he spoke again.

“Just getting a friend.” But his voice sounded to real. It was like he was actually there talking. I realized I was half conscious now and I forced my eyes open.

When my vision came to me Tanex was still there. I gave him a confused look for a minute and then realizing that I had woken myself up and that I wasn't dreaming my whole body locked up.


“Yep, There are things at work Xemmsur and I’d like you to come with me to a meeting. All the apprentices are there as well as a few unexpected guests.”

I couldn't begin to shollow his words. This was all so sudden. “A-all of them?” I managed to get out.

“Yes, well….RaXi and Marlex are out at this point in time, but there are still matters that must be brought up.”

I just stopped listening to him. I need a few moments to figure things out.

He turned and said something to Tamex and then opened a portal and gestured for me to follow him. I instantly jumped to my feet and ran over to him. Tamex looked like he was about to protest, but I looked at him, begging to let me go without saying anything. He nodded and I smiled, then I followed Tanex through the portal.

On the other side I nearly fainted at the site. He was right! All the apprentices were there. And they were all staring down at me. Some of them waved some of them smiled. I did my best to return some type of jester.

Tanex leaned into me and said I would go take my seat. It was between Triskix and Liliax. I nodded and portaled up there. Liliax smiled and told me it was good to see me again. I looked over to Triskix but he looked like something was really bugging him. I suddenly felt like I had missed out on something.
