A Conflict of Interest

Tanex had come back with Xemmsur in tow, and as everyone took their seats once again, I remained silent as death. Tanex waited a moment and began to make the bridge of his fingers again. It seemed to be is most calming position of thought. I crossed my arms around my stomach and waited.

“Well now…..we have everyone for the most part and a couple of guests in tow,” Tanex started. “Aidex ….would you mind explaining what is going on to Xemmsur?”

My eyes moved vertically downwards towards the quite black haired girl. She seemed to be shaking a bit as she looked up at Tanex.

“I’ll do it this time,” the sharp voice of Xyta rose. My eye trailed to the blond girl as she walked over to Xemmsur’s chair and began explaining. We all waited patiently, and as I read Xemmsur’s face, it changed from a bit of shock to calm and then to shock once more.

“Now,” Tanex’s voice rose from the silence. “Returning to your question Triskix, when considering the lives of those we are choosing to end in order to complete this goal…..”

“Please! Tanex! Please tell me there’s another way! It’s wrong!” Nyx’s voice rang like a bell through the room.

Tanex gave Nyx an almost cold look in response. His head shot straight at me and his fingers began to rap together again.

“Sometimes death is an only option,” Tanex answered coldly. “I will not sacrifice any of us here nor Triskix’s Elites at Organization Oblivion….”

“Enough,” I said calmly. It was the voice I used when giving orders. Tanex eyed me carefully. He was trying to read whether or not I was serious. “If you are planning to end others to save others, I would rather let the living live. I will not have people die to get others back. It reminds me too much of Sora’s antics. Lest we all forget that he destroyed the XIII to get his friends. I will not make a mockery of the XIII in this way.”

An almost cynical smirk ran off of Tanex’s face. “Coming from the man that planned to do this with Xraktos….” He answered.

“As a pact made with Xraktos, I am bound by the extremities of the pact and one of those was complete and utter willingness to kill,” I answered. “And as a measure of his machine, Xraktos plans to use Leser Nobodies….a large amount of Dusks….You are just making a situation more brutal and it is out of the limits of order in this respect.”

Tanex seemed to be considering this carefully. There was a look on his face of not only quiet irritation but a calm realization. My eyes moved sharply to each face in the room daring any of them to challenge what I had said, but none seemed to want to even try. I let my red eyes pas everyone once and then focus in on Tanex.

“Growing a conscious must be strenuous,” Tanex started.

“It is not a conscious. It’s order,” I answered.

Tanex gave a sharp laugh. It chilled my bones and made me wonder for a moment if RaXi had entered the room. My eyes gave a quiet trail around the room and seemed to meet Lexian’s eyes that had also been trailing the room.

“As cynically ordered and hilarious as always Triskix,” Tanex’s laugh continued. “The reason we cannot use Dusks is simple. There are simply not enough of them to power the machine at the intensity that we would need. The Dusks’s numbers have sharply declined in the last few weeks or so for unknown reasons, and at the rate they are declining, we won’t have enough to gather. On the other hand, a large mass of stronger nobodies has started to emerge…Call it…Evolution….maybe.

"But this group which used to be a fraction of the nobody population has started to grow increasingly. We can use this population even better than the Dusks. There would be less of them to gather, and in the end we would have less competition. It is a win-win situation the way I see it. Triskix, for your own good, you’d better kill that conscious before it starts eating at you and you end up like Axel.”

The sharp Axel reference made me want to kill. Fire sparked on the floor, and both Xyta and Aidex screamed. Each flame whispered and begged me to let them eat more….My eyes shifted, and I glared at Tanex who just gave me a happy face back.

I closed my eyes and left the waves of anger rush over me. But with the anger came an even sharper understanding. I did need to kill it. Was not my goal to revive the XIII and atone for Axel’s misdeeds? Was that not what I had intended all along? I did need to kill it. I was angry over what? Deaths? Someone else’s death when I had a job to do? I slowly began to strangle the last breaths of protest in my mind.

As I opened my eyes again, my face was completely composed. Tanex returned this expression with a composed look of his own.


<_< shoot another brain-soul killer. I think I've been shot.

Triskix: you're not the only one. T_T;
