Explosion of Light

I watched Tamex mull over his thoughts. A frown growing on his face, my hopes died as i saw him gradually shake his head.
"No. Sorry Lady Kyxsha but i can not think of anything."
"It's okay Tamex.. i guess there's nothing we can do abou....."

The walls shook as i heard a small explosion. I looked around me wondering what had happened. Lucinde screamed and i hugged her to quieten. My eyes scanned everywhere. Searching the air around the castle i got not sence any different presences, throughout the castle nobodies were trying to discover the cause, then to my shock i found the reason for the explosion.... The leader was at the centre of the explosion. I couldn't quite establish what was going on but there where several others unconcious in that room and the leader was the only one not....

"Tamex..... Get Minx and get out of here." i said rushing and grabbed up Lucinde into my arms.
"Lady Kyxsha... whats wrong?"
"Tamex, your a rogue... Get out of here before you get hurt.... or Minx. Common'.... please" i said almost pushing him towards the door.
"Lady Kyxsha i am a gentle man... and as a gentleman it is my duty to protect women."
"Tamex... GET OUT!!!" i said "AS A TRESPASSER I ORDER YOU TO GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!" i yelled. Creating a porthole and a huge gust of wind i sent Tamex and Minx into the porthole.

I grabbed Lucinde and ran out of the door with her in my arms. My lungs where in pain over the fresh wounds which still needed to rest. Yet i coninued to run.... as fast as i could with Lucinde in my arms, her head resting on my shoulder.... silent tears running down her face.
kk, Your turn Soji
