OC quiz

Was recomended to do an Oc interview of my characters by a member on DA


Basically it's just interveiwing some of your characters. you're suposed to tag a 3 people but I can't think of anyone in particular, so everyone is free to try this as well.

The characters I choose to Interview are:

Yume, Tsutoru, Arsenaway, Pandora.

(the answers of the character are following by whats happend so far or taking place in the present story of the manga's.)

How old are you?

Yume: "well... i'll hint to you that im around a century old but just by looking at me a lot of people think im 18."

Tsutoru: "Old enough."

Arsenaway: I'm 18 ^_^

Pandora: "I'm...*counts* well when I was traped away I was 16 at the time. but it's been a few hundred years since then ^^;"

What story do you come from?

Yume: "An Inuyasha fan-fiction" (Memories)

Tsutoru: "Same as Yume."

Arsenaway: "Well I'm from Arsenaway. Same name as the title XD

Pandora: "I'm from Arsenaway. I wonder why It's not called Pandora *hmph*"

Do you have any bad habbits?

Yume: "I tend to take action before I think... that's not always good."

Tsutoru: "What bad habbits could I possible have?"
Yume: "Are you serious!? How about, bad temper. Pyro problems. chasing people away! and you also-"
Tsutoru: "Okay! that's enough."

Arsenaway: "um... is speaking your mind a bad habbit?"

Pandora: "I can be very forgetfull ^^;"

Are you a virgin?

Yume: *///* "That's none of your buisness."

Tsutoru: *smirks* "Do I look like one?"

Arsenaway:" Yes. So what. I'd like to find that special someone first before I lose my virginity you know."

Pandora: "How Dare you ask me tht question! How rude!"

Who's your mate/spouse?

Yume: "I don't have one yet. I hope to some day though, with someone I can just be myself around. who will except me for who I am."

Tsutoru: "It's hard to say... I'm working on that."

Arsenaway: "Nope. but I hope to one day. like a said I want that special someone." (Kai would be nice)

Pandora: No I havent found anyone yet. It's hard to meet anyone when you're trying to save the world."

Do you have any skills?

Yume: "Well, I have a special way of re-attatching limbs to make them last longer. though I think this only works on demons."

Tsutoru: "I have great leader skills and combat skills."
Yume: "ugh >_<"

Arsenaway:" I supose I'm good at telling stories. and sheep herding ^^; "

Pandora: "I have some healing capabilites. I can make plants grow on almost any surface."

What is your personlaity like?

Yume: "Me? well, I think I'm a very kind person in general I don't discrimate against humans, they're living beings too. I usually speak what's on my mind. I like to return favors for those who have helped me. I'm still childish in many ways but don't underestimate me. I can aslo be serious and can get quite angry."

Tsutoru: "I was a born leader. A rebble even as a kid. I like things to go the way I want them. And will do almost anything to reach my goals.

Arsenaway: "I'm very adventourous and I love to explore. Im a kind person with a strong spirit. I try to take responsibility for my actions."

Pandora: "I am very outgoing, I love to have fun, going to parties and dressing up in new clothes. True I can have a temper sometiems but only when people are getting on my nerves. But i'm usually realy gentle."

What is your favourite icecream flavor?

Yume: "What's icecream?" flavors in general though I like the way cherries taste.

Tsutoru: "The hell is icecream?"

Arsenaway: "Pumpkin Icecream!"

Pandora: "Green tea Icecream"

Have you killed anyone?

Yume: "yes. I'm proud to say though that I have never killed a human."

Tsutoru: " Yeah I have. Mainly those that were ignorant or pissed me off."

Arsenaway: "No! and I hope I will never have to."

Pandora:" No. I don't kill people I heal and protect them."

Do you hate anyone?

Yume: "Just the person who destroyed my life. But it seems a lot of people hate him as well." (Naraku) "other then that. I rally don't hate anyone... they just irritate me."

Tsutoru: "Anyone that tries to get in my way."

Arsenaway: "Um, no I don't HATE anyone. not yet anyways."

Pandora: "Many people think I should hate my sister Ayara because of what she did. But I love my sister. I just don't like her actions. and Reese. I don't hate him. He just really really annoys me."

Do you have any secrets?

Yume: " Well... One time I accidentally choped off one of Tsutoru's fingers when we were younger and I gave him the finger of a dead human... he dosent know that the finger was human."
Tsutoru: "You did what!?"

Tsutoru: " I keep one of Yume's hair ornaments from when she was a kid in a box in my room."
Yume: " I don't know if that's sweet or a little wierd."

Arsenaway: " I want to marry the town hottie Kai!... I guess I said that kind of loud. ^^; "
Pan: "Uh, yeah."

Pandora: "A secret is a secret so why should I tell you?"

Do you love anyone?

Yume: "I love my clan members. Though none of us are bioligically related we're like one giant family. and Rin She's really grown on me."

Tsutoru: "I don't really get into the whole love thing. That's how you get attatched to people which in the end just causes pain. Which is what happend with Yume."

Arsenaway: " I love my family and my friends."

Pandora: " I love my sisters even though they dont always agree with each other."

What is your job?

Yume: "when I still lived with my clan, our job was to basically ward off other demons from the nearby human villages and I also helped train the young members of the clan in combat and did some nurturing. Now I guess I'm a temporary nanny for Sesshomaru's ward Rin."

Tsutoru: "My job now is trying to expand our clans territory. and looking for Yume."

Arsenaway: "I'm a sheperdess. sounds easy but you always have to be on the lookout. Sheep like to wonder off and wolves foxes and coytes like to eat them."

Pandora: " I was the gaurdian of the earth temple back in the day. Usually did upkeeping so it was always nice for the people who came to pray. I was also a healer. I made potions from certain plants to help heal illnesses,cuts, wounds that sort of thing."

What do you do to relax?

Yume: "me? I love hot bathes ^_^ that or just talking a walk and looking at the scenery."

Tsutoru: " Who has time to relax? though when I do. I like to sleep."

Arsenaway" I like to read some of my favourite stories, or just hang out with my best friend Ren."

Pandora. "I like to go shopping or talk with my sister Amara."

What is your speices?

Yume: "I'm Half wolf half dog. so I really don't know if that rule about wolves mating for life really applies to me."

Tsutoru: "I'm a full blooded Dragon demon. But I will take any type of demon woman as a mate but one in particular."

Arsenaway: "I'm human."

Pandora: "I'm of Elvish decent. That's why my family were the prefered choice to be the gaurdians of the elemental temples."

Who is your family?

Yume: "My parents are deceased but my adoptive family consists of my clan members. I was closest to, Kunai (deceased) Tsutoru, Hiro, Kazuya."

Tsutoru: "I don't know much about my birth parents but My adoptive family are the members of my clan. I'm closest with Yume,Hiro and Kazuya."

Arsenaway" My family is My mother (Elora) My father (Auron) and my little brother kim."

Pandora: "My family consists of my two older sisters Amara and Ayara.
They're Identical twins." My Father and Mother are Deceased.
