Hello this is going to be a place mainly so that anyone can share the stories and ideas of their original characters and Fancharacters. A lot of people are weary about the fact that fan-characters are paired off with well known characters..EX. Yume and Sesshomaru, from my Fan-manga Memories. Even so there are people out there that our open to creative minds and like reading and looking at what we have created. Fan-Stories as well as Original works. I myself love reading and looking at pics of Original characters and Fan-characters. They're so interesting and fun. Yes there are a few I admit that just don't seem to fit right into anime stories, but If it makes the creator happy then who am I tell them otherwise.
So if you feel like sharing your stories and ideas or wanna show some love to exisitng characters, Leave your voice hear you'll get some love and oppinions if you want them.