No. No. I can’t. Don’t look back. Don’tlookbackdon’tlookbackdon’tlookback…
I looked back. And he was there, just like I knew he would be. He had that gleam in his eye, a look of such heartbreakingly loyal love that it made my knees go weak.
Just take another step.
I couldn’t go back. Not again. Because I knew what was lurking just beyond my own love for him. It was my personal monster, reminding me of all those dark nights in a room that wasn’t his.
He doesn’t deserve this.
I had told him I was going over to my sister’s house. He knew my sister and I didn’t get along most of the time. And when I got home, he surprised me with the biggest Hershey bar I had ever seen.
I had cried that night, thinking of that Hershey bar. In the shower, where he couldn’t see the tears.
And I can’t let him see the tears now.
And today I was finally setting things right. I was giving him back his Hershey bar, and his heart.
No matter what it did to mine.