11 Things You'll Never Know

I found this on dA, and had to try it. It's really fun to do.
- list 11 things you want to say to 11 different people.
- don't say who they pertain to.
- feel free to comment, but don't confirm or answer anything.
- never discuss it again.


I used to dream about you.
I was so sure that we
were going to be happy, but
You turned out to be
Just another disappointment.

You and I used to be friends; all
three of us did.
But then you stopped talking to me,
and to her.
And I think that both
she and I are a little bit angry.


I always used to think that you
And I would grow up to be
bestbest friends.
But now I realize
That I need to trust my instinct
and not trust you.
You’re exactly what I feared you’d be.
And I can’t even respect you for it.


I had a thousand chances.
I never took any of them.
I should have.

I only see you
once a year, at most.
But even now,
every time I see you
looking at me with those eyes,
not speaking a word
as you walk away again
For another whole year,
my knees go weak.


You know me better
than I ever thought you could,
in such a short amount of time.
It amazes me.
And I love you for it.


Without you…
I would never have become the same person
I am today.
And I’m glad I didn’t.
Thank you.


You and I were never close.
We just liked to pretend we were.
But now, you’re the only one
who’s still pretending.

You swore you’d never
turn into your mother.
You refuse to admit you’d ever
be like her.
But you’re wrong.
You’re exactly like her.
And that’s why we fight.
Like mother, like daughter.
I hope I don’t become like you.

I don’t think I want to
be here anymore.
I think I want to do…
something else.

I love you.
With all my heart.
