The thing I needed to get done at work... is not solved yet. But at the very least my supervisor sent me more stuff to do, so I managed to... y'know, not think of it too much for a bit. Lol. So today was a lot more productive than the past 3-4 days at least.
On the other handdd... my mom caught a really bad cold (and before she caught the cold, my dad also did). It's looking like a regular cold, fortunately, but ISTG if either of my parents get covid after two whole years of no one in the house getting it, I am going to spontaneously combust. Or something. Geez.
I guess other than that I have nothing to report. I'm kind of out of games to play atm. I'm putting off finishing The World Ends With You for the time being (I got NEO like, a month ago and I can't wait to play it, but I'm not in TWEWY mood right now). I might give Cuphead a try, even though I'm so, so bad at the bullet hell.
At any rate, that's how my day went. It wasn't half bad.
~ Orion