Haha oops.

Hey there demons, it's me, ya boi (?) and... I completely forgot I had this account. Oops?

Happy (belated) Holidays and Happy New Year everyone! Hope they treated you nicely.

I didn't really get up to much, just hung out with my parents and siblings, had piñas coladas (and yeah, before anyone asks I do like piñas coladas and getting caught in the rain), and played Scrabble with my dad and sister. Kinda quit halfway through because they kept trying to make up words and I was the only one taking it seriously.

Sidebar, gender is still weird and I can't figure it out somehow, but that's fine. (And I only bring it up here because it's one of those things I don't feel comfortable admitting offline, y'know?)

I go back to work tomorrow and I really don't want to.

~ Orion
