A young girl was running down the dirt road at full speed. She had her head tilted down, with her black hair flying free behind her head. A boy was calling to her from higher up on the road, "Serenity, hurry up!"
The girl's head rose, she had a big smile on her face and was laughing. The girl stopped next to an older boy with dirty blond hair, and it was clear that he was not happy.
"Why is it that you are always late to come home after father has warned you about the demons in this area?" the boy asked.
The girl, Serenity, was breathing hard and looked up at him, "I'm sorry big brother, but I was just..." she did not get a chance to finish before her brother broke her off, "I do not want to hear your story. You know that mother gets worried about you when you go out on your own. You're not even ten years old yet, and you want to fight demons."
The boy shook his head and turned away from her. Two more boys were sitting on a tree branch just above the road, one with brown hair and one with crimson red hair.
"Oh give her a break Eric, Isaac was late too and you didn't give him any grief.” the boy with brown hair said.
Eric looked up at him and replied, "That is not the same and you know it, Isaac can protect himself, Serenity cannot."
The boy with red hair, Isaac, jumped off the branch and stood in front of Eric and crossed him arms. "Isn't that why uncle said the other day that father and us should start training her to fight?" he asked with a hint of hostility in his voice.
Eric looked down at him and said, "Do not act like you are older, Isaac, I know you hate to fight and do not like training. Besides, mother said herself that five fighters in the family is enough. Now enough of this, we need to get home before nightfall."
The other boy jumped down from the branch and started walking with the others up the road to a very nice looking country house. A man stepped out of the doorway, "It's about time you four got back." he said with a smile.
"Yes, forgive us father, but Serenity was late again today." Eric said.
"Oh, is that so?" The man said.
"I'm sorry father, but I was looking at the castle on the top of the hill. I know you said to stay away from that area, but I..." Serenity was trying to hold back tears, but they spilled over, and ran down her face.
The boy with brown hair stepped between Eric and Serenity, getting down on his knees he hugged her tight.
"I thought I said not to cry, Serenity." "I know Nathan, I'm sorry." she said through her tears.
Their father turned back toward the house and called back to them, "Come, children. It's almost dusk, and the demons will be out soon."
The five of them walked into the house, Serenity stood in the doorway and looked out over the land and called to her father, "Father, are you going to fight tonight?"
Inside the house came a reply, "Yes."