The other day me and my friends were discussing halloween costumes. My friend is a die hard spiderman fan so I asked him if he was going to be spider man. He promptly responded " No that would be stupid, I'm going to be a waffle." MLIA

Today, I went bra shopping. In the change room, I unbuckled my belt, took my shoes off, and had my pants down all the way to my knees, before I realized I don't need to take my pants off to try on bras. MLIA

Today, my youngest sister's friends pestered her to give in and read Twilight, so tonight, she put a copy of it in her backpack. Shocked that she would actually read it, I picked it up and opened it to see how far she had gotten. When I opened it I found that she had merely taken the slipcover of our other sister's copy of Twilight and put it on her own copy of Harry Potter 4. So. Proud. MLIA

Today my little brother was trying to convince our mom to let him go to a party, stating that "everyone's going!" She asked him, "well if everyone jumped off a cliff would you do it too?" He replied, "Yes, because their bodies would cushion my fall." My brother rocks. MLIA

Today I was on Twitter. I was browsing the public feed, when I noticed a tweet that said "Giving birth, be back in a few." Words fail me. MLIA

Today after picking up my really expensive summer reading books, we drove past a Blockbuster. I had this great idea that they should invent places like Blockbuster where you can rent books. Then we drove past a library. MLIA

Today, my identical twin and I decided to swap clothes and desks to try and stump our teacher. It worked. We're homeschooled. MLIA

Today, I overheard some girls talking about this crazy guy who ran the 100m sprint in their athletics carnival in a gorilla suit. They laughed and talked about how messed up his family must be. That was my brother. I have never been prouder. MLIA

those are just some of my favorites :3
and i got them from a website called
check it out xDD my god am i addicted xD

and again if anyone wants to be a guest poster, just send me a PM or leave a

comment and i'll add your name to the list :3
