Anime Central Update

I saw a great thread in Anime Central today. I think it may be of use to some people, at any rate.

Has anyone ever put together an Anime Swap for a convention?

New Member onenuttytanuki is looking to put together a swap meet at the Anime Central 2008 in Chicago and is looking for some advice.

I figured there would be plenty of knowledgeable people out there who would be able to offer some advice.

Thread of the Week

So it's that time again - our second Thread of the Week goes up today.

This time I decided to choose a thread that could actually use more contributions:

Otakupedia Entries/Suggestions/Discussion Thread

For those who haven't heard of it, Otakupedia is a mini-site attached to OtakuBoards. At the moment it tracks a ton of things related to OB history, including articles on members, famous RPGs and funny threads.

What I'd really like to see is more articles related to's history. If you take a look at the thread, you'll see that there is a pretty wide scope for what you can write about.

The thread itself is where you post your article and then our resident Otakupedia Curator puts it up.

If nothing else, this is probably a great reminder to go and check out Otakupedia in general. It's a great site and it preserves a pretty unique history.

Manga Alley Update

A simple question for this update:

What was your first manga?

Arcade Update

Hi folks, I've got a couple of great threads for you today. Neither are new, but both are still current and hot.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Yeah, I know SSBB has now been featured twice on this blog, but seriously - this is the best location for theOtaku's Brawl fans.

Not only has this discussion become pretty large, people are now trading friend codes in this thread specifically for Brawl. If you want to set up some matches against fellow Otakuites, I strongly recommend this thread.

Games You've Played for 100 Hours

Have you ever played a single game for more than 100 hours in total? It's a tough call.

I can only think of a few, but I seriously think that Super Mario Galaxy could possibly reach that point for me soon. Maybe.

I wonder when the Brawl players will hit 100 hours...probably won't take long at this rate!

Anime Central Update

Your Anime/Manga Lookalike

Some pretty funny responses in here. I really have no idea which anime character I look like; I think I'd have to get other people to decide that for me!