Registration improvements.

I just want to drop in with a couple of brief updates that should be good news for OB newcomers.

First of all, I've turned off the email activation feature for all new users. In the past, you'd receive an email from OB and you'd have to activate it in order to gain full access to the site.

Unfortunately this system hasn't worked properly in quite a while and with no immediate fix in sight, I thought it would be better to just axe the feature completely. Registration is still a secure process, but now you can access the boards as soon as you've created your account.

For anyone who was waiting for a registration email but didn't receive one, fear not: I've already fixed all of those accounts so that you can post straight away.

Also, it's just a little thing, but I've added a field in all member profiles where you can list your favorite anime. It may not sound like much, but it's a searchable field - so as people add this info to their profiles, other members will be able to search for friends based on the anime they love.

If you're an existing member you should definitely start adding your list straight away!
