Thread of the Week

Got a couple for you this week - I've gone slightly outside the norm this time and chosen threads based on specific topics.

Iron Man

I saw this just after it came out and really loved it. I think I remember hearing about it breaking records, too.

What did you think of it? I must admit, it's been my favourite comic book movie so far.

Grand Theft Auto IV

Not sure if I've linked to this one previously, but it's really worth linking to. I'm actually surprised that we haven't had more GTA-related posts! I do know that there are quite a few GTA fans on OB.

So if you've got this one, do yourself a favour and head on over to the thread.

55 Fiction - The Sequel

I just had to throw this one in there.

For those who are unfamiliar, the original 55 Fiction was an incredibly popular creation from the lovely Sara, a longtime OBer. It ended up becoming the most successful thread in Anthology's history, I believe. And understandably so!

The concept is pretty unique and it doesn't require a massive time commitment form participants. So it really works very well for our community.
