Thread of the Week

Do you believe in the paranormal?

Are you a believer? Have you ever seen a ghost?

I can't say I've seen a ghost, but I have visited an infamous house in New South Wales that has a lot of urban legends attached. And it's truly freaky. It's abandoned, but it isn't like a house at all - it's more like some kind of odd temple. I get a weird cult vibe from it.

Although I'm not a ghost believer as such, I do love the idea of ghosts and all things spooky. I think Halloween is my favourite holiday of the year, for example.

But you know what sucks? In Australia, Halloween isn't really marked at all. I mean, it's very minor.

One thing I've always been envious of is the way that America really gets into the spirit of Halloween. I've always thought it looked like so much fun.

Do any of you do big things for Halloween? And is it marked in your home town?

I certainly wish we marked it in a bigger way here. For the time being, I might just have to have my own personal celebration.
