IP Board Software Upgrade

As I just announced on OB itself, we are about to upgrade the IP Board software at OtakuBoards on Saturday.

This is a pretty significant upgrade and even though the site will not radically change as a result, I think everyone will begin to notice a lot of small enhancements.

One of the biggest things is that the status updates you put on your profile will now post to OB's main page on a featured display panel (the panel will appear underneath the existing Recently Added and Watched Content panels).

But in addition, you will be able to comment on people's status updates as well. So it won't just be a static display - it will actually make status updates relevant and useable.

There are a ton of other little changes in the software, many of which should make life a lot easier. We will have a new and improved search function and the little member control panel on the top right of the page will be changed to be easier to use and more relevant. It will include a new notifications system that will pull together notifications from across OB and put them in one spot (a bit like Facebook notifications).

One of the best things about this upgrade, though, is that it will enable our team to begin working on a backlog of stuff that needs to be fixed. Stuff like the Avatar Gallery and the Reputation system are top priorities.

Also, early in the new year I hope to have a proper page set up on OB for the OB Podcast. It should make life a lot easier for Korey and Boo and it should also be a really easy and centralized place for all members to access the full podcast library.

I hope you guys like the update when it goes live - Petie and Des have been working very hard on it for the last few weeks and they've done a really fantastic job.
