:D My first week of school was pretty good. But that's probably just because there was like no work XD and no homework for meeeeee :D yayyyyy~
Bleach Freak and I have been playin the Restaurant City app on facebook A LOT XD My restaurant is called "The Broken Piano" named after this one restaurant we saw in New Jersy that was called "The Rusty Nail" XDDD I thought it was really funny and I said "You know, I bet if [insert the name of my piano teacher here] had a restaurant like that it would be called The Broken Piano or The Out of Tune Piano!" XD So yeahhhh it's pretty awesome. Right now I have Bleach Freak and I as waitors and our friends Mitch and Jeff as the cooks. Bleach freak and I have cat ears too :3
We also got a new computer cause our upstairs one is terrible. It never quite got better after Angel peed on it XD But the screen is like REALLY COOL! So I'm beggin my mom to let us instal wow on it cause I mean seriously! We could have some pretty intense wowing going on on that thing!
>:D 2 days not counting today until my brithday! Yayyyyy although it really doesn't feel like it. But it sucks that I have to write an essay on Frankenstien in english that day DD: NOT COOL!! I told my mom I want 2 things: A webcam and the Buring Crusade expansion pack for wow cause with it you can make a blood elf!! An those are like the coolest characters EVER!!!...even if they do play for the...HORDE DD:
I have some advidce: DO NOT TRY THE ALLIANCE MOUNTAIN DEW GAME FUEL!!!! lolol It tastes NASTY! Especially whan you drink it at 2 in the morning while playing Dark Alliance on the gamecube XDD Bleach freak and I had some so we could boost our Alliance spirt and it would give us luck in our game! (We did end up beating the game during that sleepover too XD)
So instead of drinking Alliance Mountain Dew, we drink blue gatorade! The first time we drank it we opened our gatorade, did the cheers thingy and shouted "FOR THE ALLIANCE!!!!" XD It was AWESOME.
OH YEAH!!! Ok, So everyone remember Diego? The most adorable little 5th/6th grade EVER? Well, he isn't on Brian's soccer team this year cause he's too young and he made the travel team...BUT!!!! HIS BRO NIKITO IS ON BRIAN'S TEAM!! :DDD So we might see Diego at the games!! My mom amde me go to their first practice and Diego was there!!!!! He didn't look as cute as he did before though ): So Bailey is gonna come to some of their games so we can cheer for Nikito and Brian and spy on Diego hahahahaha I told my mom it was destiny! XD
Well, I have to go now. Adios!