20 days until school starts...I think I'm going to cry lol
The older I get, the faster summer goes by!
I have to fit so many things into these last few weeks!!
But the clsoer it gets to school the closer it gets to my birthday :D
29 days :DD
OMG So my mom said that I could get a Mac or a laptop for my birthday.
IDK WHICH TO PICK! I mean, macs are really expensive and I would feel bad if my parents spent that much on me. But then again, they're better for art so it would help me down the line but AHHH idk.
>_< My hair is all sticky now cause I was brining in some tea from the car and I dropped one on the floor and IT EXPLODED on me XD
OMG Fatal Frame 4 has really given me some legit screams lolol
It's so much fun! I've been workin really hard on a fan art of it for the past few days. I hope I can finish it soon. so far I've got Ruka, and Madoka finished and I'm working on Misaki now. Then I might add Sakuya in the background. AND I NEED TO DO THE BACKGROUND. I was gonna enter it in reirei's game challenge and the deadline is the 5th ;_; hopefully I can make it.
Also...I've given in XD I'm going to try marching band tomorrow.
Well I'm gonna get back to working on this pic!
Bye you guys!