Hey guuuuuys!
Add me on Playstation Network :D
I'm Fragile__Dreams
That's with 2 underscores in the middle because just one was taken lol
I've been totally beasting it up on Black Ops and Uncharted 2...not really lol I'm quite awful.
I love using voice chat :DD You can talk in different accents and people won't know that you're faking! lol
I got the Haunting Ground game that I've been wanting for like the past 3 years xDD
Haven't played it yet though, probably will tonight or tomorrow morning. And Fatal Frame 2 :DD
I got looooads of zebra stuff xDD Zebra bedsheets, zebra towel, and a zebra snuggie 8D
But the best gift of all, MY HUSBAND <3
Wait what were you thinking of? I'm talking about the pillow that's called a husband! Ahahaha
My husband is cheating on me with my cat ;_; she's used it more than I have xDD
Did you all have a good Christmas?
PS3 :D