there may very well be a new action figure movie soon! i'm ssssooooo happy! we're redoing one of our really onld ones because it's super funny! it's called the case of the missing cookies XD hte caracters in it are: Alien(of course), Kagome-sensei (who may be replaced by rukia becasue her head is falling off XD), naruto,Keade(be cause of lack of keade action figures,keade is played by tommy's grandma from rugrats XD lol)and the last character is a drawf guy XD. oh! one of my old friends from MyO actually posted today! iw as ssssoooo happy! i'm glad they posted. but the post said that they wouldn't be on as much TT_TT. lol my mom is playing zelda music on the piano downstairs XD ahh i only have 3 more contests to enter,1 art trade,and a contest prize to draw. ^_^" atleast it's not as many anymore. right now i'm thinking of a contest theam. ok well i should probobly get going now! bye guys!!
