Hey guys. How's life? How has everyone been?
Haven't updated in awhile. Last post was in January about Pretty Little Liars sooo....yeah I haven't really posted an actual post about me for awhile haha. Not sure how many people I used to interact with still get on here? hehe
I haven't posted much art on here in awhile. It will probably stay that way. I'm really just posting stuff on Facebook now whenever I get around to completing pictures.
Summer has been pretty good. I went to Florida to visit my grandpa and Skylar got to come along so that made it really enjoyable. I took a maymester class at my college (a 4 week summer course from middle of May-middle of June) on cartooning and character design and that was fun. We mostly just joked around and watched godzilla/super hero movies most of class but hey, I got 3 credit hours for it so I'll gladly take it over another class with the typography professor I had last semester...He was korean and was pretty confusing to understand what he wanted or what he was talking about...I have another asian professor for intermediate typography next semester who is also apparently hard to understand so excuse me as I got cry.
ANYWAY. There has been lots of WoW. Yes, I still play! (4 lvl 90s so I have no life.) haha Lots to do to prep for the new expansion coming out in December. :) We have new members of the DREAM TEAM too! A dad and his two sons joined as well as some of the dad's friends! He also is providing a voice chat server for us (that costs real $$ so it's very exciting!) I'm looking forward to the guild growing :D
Also lots of hanging out with Skylar. On the 26th of August we'll have been together for 2 and a half years! He's seriously the greatest. Last Saturday he invited me to go to his friend's wedding with him so that was super fun! We got to get all dressed up and fancy! Here's us!
I'm so sad to see summer ending because that means he goes back to school 2 hours away and we only get to see each other every other weekend. BUT there is a positive! He has an apartment so I'll actually get to visit him this year! :) And I am also moving into an apartment with 3 girls so that is also super exciting :D yay to my own room and a full sized bed!!! (I have a twin bed at home haha) But then I also have to cook meals so uh-oh. I've kind of turned into quite the health nut since I've gone to college...I workout at least an hour a day and really watch what I eat. I work at the gym on campus too...sometimes I feel like I should have majored in dietetics or kinesiology instead of graphic design. Haha
But hey, I may be leaving my teenage years but that will still not stop people from mistaking me as one for probs the next few haha (I went to the dentist the other day and the lady thought I was still in high school. I will be a junior in college so thank you I guess)
I"m not ready to start my junior year and be an adult and ugh no please stop.
Skylar and I watched Attack on Titan and oh my gosh. I haven't had an anime keep my attention like that one has since I watched Higurashi and Umineko when I was in 10th grade. THAT WAS 4 YEARS AGO. Like, holy cow. It's so good. Armin is my favorite cause like wow he is adorable.
But yes. Ok. I'm done.
If anyone tweets, follow me:) @KittyCat_Kelsey
Otherwise, you probably wont hear from me for like ages again. haha
So yeah, later~