Bleack I have to do science homework after this, and the worst part is it involves math I hate math. I'm really good at it but it's just too evil! I just realized that the sheet goes from number 15 to 18 XD well that's one less problem for me! :D we only have to do the odd numbers. AAAWWWWW my cat angel is sleeping on my parents bed and she looks ssssoooo cute!! Anyways we played rock band, drew on ballons with sharpies,went to go look at kittens, and other stuff. ....ya know I always seem to end up doing something when I'm in the middle of a post! I open another tab and start talking to afriend on youtube and then I forget I'm typing my post. That just happened XD And then i contunued working on my homework. Now I have to decide if a flouner is a herbivor, carnivor, or an omnivor. I can't find the answer if anybody knows it plz tell me!!! arg anyway my buddy down in florida made a happy b-day vid for me! He's so awesome! You rule raccy13! He's the one doing the scooter tricks lol :D here's the vid!
ok well I really gotta go now and work on this evil homework. Bye!