Hey guys! It's been awhile since I've posted hasn't it? I start to psot something but then I get distracted and forget to finish the post or forget what I was about to type XD Well, I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas or a good what ever else you may celebrate. I had a pretty good Christmas. I've basically done nothing all day! I got anime studio 5 :D The only bad part is that I can't install it until our other computer is fixed -_-. We also got DDR and WiiFit! XD I rule at the hula hoop game on WiiFit!XD My dad got my a Katy Perry CD just so he could get a good laugh! X3 my dog was soo cute this morning! He had a big red dog in his stocking and he kept trying to pull it out. My cats were crazy too! They got cat nip! One of my cats eyes is messed up soooo... I'm nicknaming her Mad Eye Moody! XXDD I guess you'd only get this if you watched/read Harry Potter.The name fits her perfectly though cuase she has a disturbing eye and she's moody! Well, We're leaving for my Grandparent's house tomorrow. I can't wait to see my cousins! I haven't seen them since the beginning to summer! >:D We're gonna listen to my Katy Pery CD in the car to annoy my mom with the I kissed a girl song! I've been playing Tomb Raider alot lately. It's a really fun game! I got the Wii version but I made it to the Mediterannean Sea, which is like the first place after the little tutorial thing that tells you the controls while you're playing. I found this werd steering wheel type thing and I though I was suppossed to take it back to my ship, so I did. WRONG MOVE! I pressed the - button right by my ship and she dropped the stupid seering wheel! XD It fell all the way down to the bottom of the stupid sea and I couldn't find it again! So I just cut the game off XD Thank you power button! I have to go the dentist tomorrow cause one of my brackets fell off AGAIN! This is like the third or fourth time! This time it fell off like 2 hours after I got it put back on! Ok! Well, I have to go! Bye!