Diego is one of the best players on my bro's soccer team XD
He had a game last night and bleach freak got to come along and we cheered like crazy last night! I'm sure all the people thought we were weird XDD
It was really funny though cause there was another kid on the other team named Diego as well and both Diegos had pretty close positions the whole game XD So I'm sure they were confused about who we were cheering for. My bro's team won 3 to 2 XD They kicked butt at the last minute lol But then when my bro came over to us after the game I asked him if he heard us cheering and he didn't!! I was like "WHHAATTTT?!?!?!" I mean how could he not hear us yelling at the top of our lungs?!? XDD

I really wish the pool was open D: It doesn't open until the end of May.
I wanna go sooooo bad!!!!!!!! Summer is so close I can't wait for school to end. I hope we got to go to the lake with bleach freak and animehater again this year cause it's always really fun when we do! lol We would get to go to Ye Ye island again XXDDDDDDDDD

OMG we got our last homework asignment in Geometry on Wedesday!!! :D YAY!!! After the SOL tests we'll just review Algebra 1 stuff.
I raced Wi-Fi with my Rock Lee Mii this morning and I must say he is a terrible driver XDDD
For the heavy weights on Mario Kart the Shooting star bike is definately best XD That's the only car I'll use.

Alright I have to get off and finish my World History homework and then maybe I'll work on some more of my Naruto fan manga pages :D
