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True Blood

There's a cool new show and it's called, "True Blood". It's a non-anime live action series on HBO Channel. You can check out the official website here at: www.hbo.com/trueblood. Also,...THIS SHOW HAS VAMPIRES!!!!

Death Note Calendar for 2009!!

I went to Suncoast and I spotted to my surprise a calendar. It wasn't just any calendar, it was a death note calendar for 2009!!! KYAAAA!!!!! It has pictures of all your favorite characters in it. I can't wait to get it. I know it was released by Viz Media, along with it's Naruto and Bleach calendars. So,...GO BUY THE DEATH NOTE CALENDAR NOW!!!!!

Marilyn Manson plans to perform in South Korea

That's right everyone, Marilyn Manson is planning to perform in Seoul, South Korea. To find out more info, go to marilynmanson.com./news/

Goth & Lolita Bible: Best Book to Read

In February 2008, Tokyopop published the first and ever English-translated version of the Goth & Lolita Bible. This became a huge success! They also call it a "mook", short for magazine-book. And now, volume 2 of the "Mook" came out in June 2008 this year. Inside, it features Novala Takemoto, the creator of the best selling book Kamikaze Girls. Mana-sama, creator of the band Malice Mizer, Moi-Dix-Mois, and clothing line Moi-Meme-Moitie, is also featured in this book. These smey men are very popular in the goth-lolita world, in Japan that is. [Here's a website to the book: www.gothandlolitabible.com and the tokypop homepage to it: www.tokyopop.com/GothicLolitaGirl]

Princess Ai Lover

I remember reading volume one of Princess Ai when it first came out in English. The story about Ai trying to find out who she really is and where she came from. Then, in volumes 2-3, there was more info on Ai. I'm glad I read the manga. Now, Tokyopop just released this book called,"Princess Ai:Rumers from the Otherside". It has to do with fake information and rediculous stuff on princess Ai. I read a preview of it in Tokyopop's Manga magazine. Still,everyone loves Princess Ai. i even like theRoses and tatoos artbook which contained art galleries, poems and,...stickers!!!I hope everyone will love Princess ai like I do.