Hey!!!Hello!!!welcome!! (^o^)/
My boring not so fun life is no longer as boring as it was before.
Why? I don't know.
But now that I think about it it just depends on who reads it because some of my friends have a waaaay more fun life so yeah. ANYWAYS WELCOME!!!!!
It is nice to meet you and thank you for even taking the time to read his far.
Here's some "fun" facts about me:
1. I am a girl
2. I hated gym class (especially the one i had were we did worksheets)
3. I am an anime fan (duh)
4. I hate being broke.
What is your favorite anime and why?
i love summer but not as much as this year's
Because I don't go to stupid gym class anymore and I don't have to go back to that school again and I don't have a summer reading assignment like all those 4 years of high school. And i get to watch anime all day everyday!
I just caught up to episode 554 of One Piece. That's almost 11 years worth of episodes into a month and a half. I think it is my favorite anime right now. It is great. It is awesome......it sucks I have to wait a whole week for the next episode 
I also get to play video games during the summer BUT MY BROTHER DOESN'T REMEMBER WHERE HE LEFT THEM!!! he says somewhere in his room but you can barely fit two people in his room right now.
I need it to be December 16th already for the Anime Crossroads Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana!! I'm really looking forward to it. Vic Mignogna is one of the guests (he was here like 2 years ago but hey it's Vic Mignogna, a second time is awesome)
I have been saving up money for when I go to Mexico but the trip is for the week after the Convention so I say "forget it, I'm spending it at the Con" =P
I am really hoping my friend can go with me. She moved here from Texas this year and is into anime. Awesome.
My best friend moved to another state about five years ago but we still keep in touch (everyday almost). She mentioned this guy and how he was really smart. This year, they have a class together and started talking. Well, that means that she had more to say about him...which got me to start liking him.
"What?" you might wonder. Well, she told me about her day and that class and I enjoyed how he responded to what was going on. So, on Valentine's day I made my friend get his email address and she did. I emailed him and HE EMAILED ME BACK!!! That made my day XD
He is smart (unlike the guys at my school) ranked #1 in his class
He is honest and straight forward (unlike my classmates)
He is sarcastic (for some reason I like that)
He is proper (doesn't use slang)
He is ...awesome >//<
He is ...really awesome
He is a nerd? well, i'm a nerd too ^^
(but he doesn't date)
which is cool, that means he doesn't have a girlfriend.
hope I get to meet him if i ever go visit my friend.
WOW the little top right corner drawing isn't like before!!! how long have i been gone???
this is off topic but would you guys have any fundraising ideas to raise 1077 by january 5th and another 1077 by february 5th (for our french 3 France trip)
OK well today was my last day of school so i am officially on winter break!! it's sad that i'm not going to mexico this year but its all good...kinda.
I am upset that i just can't find the manga volumes i need in the library.
It's cold. Brrr.
~bye bye (inseret waving bye chibi here)