It's us bookworms you gents want

So my sister showed me this post that some chick posted on her blog--I instantly fell in love with it and simply had to share it with you all. It really is true. Us bookworms...we're the catch ^.^

Anyways, here's the link to the epicness that is this post. NOTE: I DID NOT WRITE THIS. I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR IT; I'M MERELY SPREADING THE AWESOMENESS OF IT.




...pretty much sums up my current mood. As anyone who knows me, knows perfectly well that I am a HUGE CLAMP fan. And I absolutely ADORE Legal Drug--whatever was released, that is. Needless to say, when I stumbled across it those many years ago, I was bummed that it was on hiatus.

But not any more.

That's right, folks. Legal Drug-or should I say "Drug and Drop"--is BACK! First chappie in god-knows-but-it's-been-too-freaking-long is up and ready for our viewing pleasure ^.^ I know. I squealed too.

Apparently the lovely ladies at CLAMP decided that the name "Legal Drug" wasn't good any more, so they've switched the name to "Drug and Drop." Not sure if I like this, but hey--I'm too thrilled that it's actually being picked back up to care ^^

Anyways, here's the link for y'all--go forth, read, and squeal in delight at the oh-so-not-subtle bromance and shenanigans that go on~


Oddly Addicting Music >.>;;

Heyas, so yesterday I stumbled across the full ending of SIHK S2, and so as promised, here's the link. I'm rather fond of it...not as "ZOMG THIS IS DUCKING BRILLIANT!" as say the first ending, but it has a certain rhythm that I like ^^ Anyways, here it is:

Also, another vocaloid song that I found over the weekend that pretty much sums up my life in a nutshell:



Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai Ch 1

Hey lovies,
Super quick post right now--my crap pile has doubled in the past 24 hours (I have an exam next week that I had completely forgotten about till today when my professor mentioned it and I was like " o_o;;)Anywhose, just thought you'd all like to know that the lovely people at September Scanalations have been working on the Yokozawa light novel, and the first chappie is out for our reading pleasure. Major thanks to all the hard work these people have done so that way we non-japanese speaking/reading folk can experience the amazingness that is Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai. So just so we're clear: I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR THIS TRANSLATION. ALL CREDIT SHOULD BE GIVEN TO THE SCANALATORS/TRANSLATORS/SAINTS over at September Scanalations. Send them a virtual hug. Or a cookie. Cookies are nice. Coooookieeess~~~

>.>;; yeah. This is what no sleep does to me...

So here's the link to the pdf. Note: this is only chapter 1--the rest isn't up yet, so be sure to check their site for updates ^^



SIH S2 Opening Full

So remember how yesterday I said I was looking for the full version of SIH S2 opening and it wasn't out? Well, apparently it came out sometime between last night and this morning because VOILA! We have the full opening. The ending I have yet to see, but as soon as I find it, I'll be sure to put up a link for y'all ^^


Oh, btw: the Omake that features Yokozawa and Kirishima is available to read online in english at ^^