Ok, so I know it's been ages since I updated this thing--life's been a bitch lately and this just kinda slipped my mind. BUT! I am back, and dear me, have I been squealing for the past few days. Why, you ask? Because Sekaiichi Hatsukoi's fourth couple is downright friggin' ADORABLE.
Yes, that's right. For those of you who don't know yet, SIH now has 4 definite couplings: there's OnoderaxTakano (aka Nostalgia), Chiaki x Tori (aka Domestica), Kisa x Yukina (Erotica), and *cue drumroll* YOKOZAWA X KIRISHIMA (aka TRIFECTA)!!!
Yes, the fourth couple is Yokozawa and the editor in chief of JAPUN, Kirishima. Needless to say, I absolutely ADORE this coupling, mainly because of Kirishima. He's just so....AMAZING. For one thing, he's absolutely gorgeous (duh). Plus, he's a total tease--who DOESN'T love a teaser? And, to top it all off, he's a single daddy raising an ADORABLE ten year old girl. C'mon, peoples: hot single daddy who likes to poke the "I am serious. Rawr." Yokozawa's buttons? Can't go wrong!
Another bonus about this couple, is that there is that there isn't gonna be a set seme/uke. In Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai, Yokozawa was the uke (hinting that it was his first time on bottom meaning that Takano was uke when they were going out *kyaa~~~)but Kirishima clearly states that he has no problem with Yokozawa being on top every now and then--so they're gonna flip flop. Which, personally, rocks. As much as I love traditional seme/uke roles (mainly b/c they tend to be adorable), it'd be nice to see a couple where the roles aren't so clear cut, y'know? In Nakaumura-sensei's other works, the uke tries to be on top occasionally (coughmisakicough) and they always end up failing miserably--almost to the point where I feel embarrassed for them--and the Seme takes over and everything goes according to norm. At least with this, things spice up a bit, no?
Another thing that gives this couple a +1000000000000 in my book is that the smex scenes are completely consensual. There's no protesting on behalf of the uke--which seems to be a trend in Nakamura'sensei's work. For example, whenever Takano and Onodera get it on, if he's not moaning or something, Onodera is protesting (hell sometimes even WHEN he's moaning, he protests >.>). Same with Misaki and Usagi-san in Junjou Romantica. It never starts with them both happily making out and leading up to you-know-what. At least with Yokozawa x Kirishima, it was YOKOZAWA who basically told Kirishima to get on with things ^,^
So personally, I am very pleased with this coupling. At first, I didn't like Yokozawa mainly because of how he treated Onodera. But then when his story was heard and Chapter 10 came around, I couldn't help but grow to love the guy--I mean, how heart wrenching was that scene when Takano essentially tells him no, and he has that dejected look on his face? Just made me wish I could hug the guy (yes, I am perfectly aware that he is a manga character and to physically hug him is impossible...we all have dreams >.>). So when I heard rumors that he was actually going to end up with someone, I was happy--it would've sucked if he ended up alone, y'know? But I was also concerned over who the other dude would be. Would he be snazzy? Well, since it's Nakamura-sensei, I knew he'd be awesome in one way or another, but...
And then WHAM! Cue Kirishima who just totally blew me away and had me grinning like an idiot the whole time. I swear, I just cannot get over how awesome this guy is.
Anyways, now that I think I've squealed/fangirled enough to last me a lifetime (pfft. Who am I kidding?), I guess I'll wrap this up now. I'll try to keep this thing more updated, I swear ^^;;
Oh, but before I end this: here's a lookie at our new couple~
And someone on livejournal has been a saint and has provided an english translation of Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai. PLEASE NOTE: I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR THIS. All thanks should be given to the wonderful person who took the time to share this with us, so AGAIN: I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR THIS SUMMARY. I merely provide the link to which all can access it.
Link for Summary of Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai: http://crossinthenight.livejournal.com/11013.html#cutid1
Well then, enjoy ^^