So I was browsing youtube last night to see if the full versions of SIH S2 op/end were out (sadly no), and I stumbled across the character songs for SIH. Honestly, I wasn't aware that there were character songs O_o I guess this is what college does to begin to not stay in the loop on the important crap, eh?
Anyways, most of them didn't spiritually move me too much, only one did. And it was one of Yoshino Chiaki's. Surprisingly, his voice is deep(ish?) and it's very...mature. And calming. Super zen. Not something I'd expect from Chiaki given his personality (of course, I haven't looked up the translations for this song yet, so for all I know the meaning of this song could fit him perfectly). Anyways, I thought you'd all like to hear it as well. It's called Onaji Hikari ("Same Light") if I'm not mistaken--please correct me if I'm wrong. Any and all Japanese I know comes from watching copious amounts of anime in Japanese with english subs ^^;;
Also, over the summer, I got into Vocaloid. Now I know Vocaloid's been around for eons, but I just never got around to really listening to the songs--I had "Kokoro," but for some reason I never really looked into anything else. But either way, I got into it over the summer, and honestly--I love it. My favorite has to be Luka--I find her voice to be the least squeaky. Miku is alright, but she tends to go a little too high pitch for me sometimes. I love Rin and Len as well. But mostly, I adore Luka (plus her outfit rocks ^,^), and so I wanted to share some of my favorite songs of hers:
Just Be Friends--probably my favorite Vocaloid song overall
The Wanderlast--this one took me a while to get used to, but after giving it a few shots, it grew on to me.
Double Lariat--I just love the meaning of this song ^^
Moonlight Waltz--this is actually a duet of Luka and Len. I love the beginning, especially. Only wish it was longer u.u
Other Vocaloid songs that I adore include:
Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder (Rin/Len)
Spinning Song (Rin/Len)--I love the refrain mostly
Honey (whole buncha vocaloids)--cover of a Taiwanese girl group song that was inspired by ABBA. How could I not love it?