Hi and welcome to my fanfic poem bloggy thingy. Call me Eri or Reni every one does. I hope you like what you read. Most of my characters are based after me or some one i know so yeah...HAPPY READING!


MAXIMUM RIDE: Rose Ride By: Erika Thompson (Note: Maximum ride and all characters such as Max, Fang,Iggy,Nudge,Gazzy,Angle and Ect. Are property of James Patterson I just like to mess with them) PROLOGUE: I had ne...

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More FanFic???

Ok so just like every other teenage girl im obsessed with twilight (Well not obsessed i just really really like it) so you'll probably see some twilight fanfic posts shortly.

~Max FanFic Coming Soon~

Ok soooooo im kinda new to this and i absolutely have big big big plans for this!!!! Im working on a Maximum Ride Fanfic and i'll have the first chapter up ASAP all for now. HAPPY READING!
