Welcome to Otaku Poems, a world dedicated to your poems, song lyrics or philosphies.
If you want your work posted, please contact one of our Otaku Poets:
Shi Bum Bumm
imouto chan
The Shadow Prince
Troublesum Shika
I hope you enjoy your visit to this world. Please be sure to leave feedback on our contributers' work ^_^
April 9, 2012
Unfortunately, this world seems to be mostly dead. I've done some long and hard thinking, and came to the conclusion that it'd be best to shut it down. I don't have the heart to delete it, so this world will remain as is, but guest posting is no longer available. If you are uncomfortable with any of your work still being up, please PM me, so that I can adjust posts. Also, if you have any questions, or would still like to share your work with someone in general, please feel free to me.
I want to thank everyone who ever participated in Otaku Poems. Whether you were a poet or a commenter, or silent audience, thank you. Otaku Poems had a good run~
My facebook poems,. since may.
I can never take back tha words I never said.
I can never wipe away blood I never bled.
I can never face what I already fled.
I can never go back , for I am ahead.
I can never face this life I have led.
I can never admit to a life hanging on a thread.
I cannot live once I;ve dropped dead.
I can never take back tha words I never said.
I can never wipe away blood I never bled.
I can never face what I already fled.
I can never go back , for I am ahead.
I can never face this life I have led.
I can never admit to a life hanging on a thread.
I cannot live once I;ve dropped dead.
March 6th, 2011
Your voice was my lullaby,
Lullaby goodbye.
I turn, & with a disheartned sigh
I lie and keep my eyes dry
But this blow was somewhat expected.
It was my feelings that you rejected.
Never will I think you decreped (sp?)
But for now its; just time for me to mourn and grieve
Things don't seem as a percieve.
As I said, something shady's going on here.
But even saying this, there is more than one tear
Guess I just got ahead of myself
I just assumed you had felt the same way as I.
Where was I? Oh yes, "disheartned sigh"
There are 3 wordsfrom my past resurfaced and save my present, and thats all I need. Because I know that wityh every blow delt to me, it just gives me a stronger resistance making me more and more fuc*ing
Let it Run and Run and Run
All I see is red and nothing but red,
I don’t see the pain that is to be release,
And I don’t see my problems running from my body,
It’s cold, yet it gives me a sick sense of warmth
And even comfort, how? I don’t know
It scares me that I feel such things from one so cold
And the smell, it makes me feel alive,
Blood is not death, only a release of horror,
But more than that, it is an illusion,
My scares are there, and they will be forever
They will remind me of how I would hurt myself and not fix anything,
It was a stupid craze that tricked me,
I lost trust and love because scares mark your heart
Hiding them is no hard task,
But hiding the hurt is the hardest part…
Hold my hand, baby, and walk me home,
treat me like i;m yours, cause you my own.
Ever since I saw you
I wanted to know you .
...But I;m so -scared> and I wanted to show you
That Im so real-thats something I couldn;t do.
Hold you in my arms, a dream come true.
How could I believe, is this really you?
Reality lookin me right in tha face,
Every time we started talkin', I;d get a rush,
I;ma be honest, I even start to blushh.
When I first saw you , you where in tha park,
And I knew , right there, this was gonna be a start-
Sunshine glarin' black we were wearing
You couldn;t talk- but you kept staring
I got there earlier and was a couple laps ahead
Trying to catch my breath, and a little nervous i started to talk instead
The beginning is kind of in a blur,
But one thing I cain;t never forget and of this I am sure
is that essential feeling, the one where I made you laugh
Ever since then, you were my other half
Every now and then.,, i;d push you away,
but it was you that i needed everyday, that exact same way
One day, you pushed back, who know how many times you shattered my heart
After that I couldn;t stand to be apart.
Like a poison dart,
insecurtiy bled me dry.
........ *` X. But I pushed those childish feelings aside.
I;m an honest person, with nothing to hide
I show what I feel, but now I have more comprehension
I;m still learning, getting an education.
Ever day, I learn a little more about you and me.
A little bit more how how to get things how I want them to be.
And I can tell you, that I won;t let impatience get in my way*