Welcome to Otaku Poems, a world dedicated to your poems, song lyrics or philosphies.
If you want your work posted, please contact one of our Otaku Poets:
Shi Bum Bumm
imouto chan
The Shadow Prince
Troublesum Shika
I hope you enjoy your visit to this world. Please be sure to leave feedback on our contributers' work ^_^
April 9, 2012
Unfortunately, this world seems to be mostly dead. I've done some long and hard thinking, and came to the conclusion that it'd be best to shut it down. I don't have the heart to delete it, so this world will remain as is, but guest posting is no longer available. If you are uncomfortable with any of your work still being up, please PM me, so that I can adjust posts. Also, if you have any questions, or would still like to share your work with someone in general, please feel free to me.
I want to thank everyone who ever participated in Otaku Poems. Whether you were a poet or a commenter, or silent audience, thank you. Otaku Poems had a good run~